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12 Years Later.....

So much has changed over the years since takemichi returned. He discovered that him and hina were engaged and about to get married soon, so there were multiple preparations to make from the choice of cake, attire, venue, etc.

Pah-chin inherited his parent's business. He's a rich
guy. He married his childhood friend. Peh-Yan is pah's advisor. Mitsuya is a rookie fashion designer and he's getting recognized for all his works by multiple companies. Hakkai became a successful model working actively overseas and his sister yuzuha is his manager.

The kawata brothers own a ramen shop. Their shop
name is of course, Sugoaku. Chifuyu owns a pet shop with kazutora and baji helping him. Draken and inupi own a bike shop together which is making lots of money.

"this reception is rocking." (y/n) chuckled, standing in between baji and mitsuya in her long gown. She had grown into a beautiful young woman....a few of the former toman members glanced at her adoringly. She was still single and living and doing a job that she loves...she's a...

"yeah, it is." Draken chuckled, coming to stand behind her, looking at pah and his wife as she berated him for accidentally spilling the wine all over the place.

(y/n) gazed at draken, mitsuya, baji and kazutora with a solemn look. She felt like a hoe, stringing them along for all these years and going on dates with each of them trying to figure out her dumb feelings while doing her best to not make the other feel jealous or upset.

"what's wrong?" kazutora asks her in worry as he and the other boys looked at her with the same concern in their eyes.

She glanced around her, shaking her head, "uhm..lets talk about it another day, it's pah big day today. I don't want to cause an issue." She says, waving her hands.

Baji gave her stern eyes, "later tonight then." He firmly says, not accepting a 'no.' She sighed, agreeing.

The reception went on before people started leaving one by one, tired of the days events. After bidding pah and his wife a happy wedding and upcoming honeymoon trip, the (h/c)-ette gestured for the four men to follow her. They exited the venue and into the parking lot where they moved to a secluded area.

"So? What's this all about?" Draken crossed his arms, looking down at her with serious yet concerned eyes.

(y/n) sighs, averting her eyes to the side while rubbing her arm up and down, she was hesitant but she needed to say it, ".....i don't want you guys to wait for me anymore..." she began, "it's been twelve years and I feel like I'm stringing you guys along...I don't want to hurt anyone and I don't want to choose...please don't make me choose." She begged them, avoiding their piercing gazes.

She continued, "there's plenty of girls out there for each of you and i feel like I'm holding you back from finding romance in your life, so just forget about me—"

Mitsuya kissed her hard on the lips, hands cupping her cheeks tightly before parting slowly, a frown on his features, "don't fucking say that." He spoke through gritted teeth, clutching her close to him.

Kazutora nodded in agreement, not liking what she said, "we don't want anyone else but you and it doesn't matter how long you have to decide or if you can't decide at all, we're staying by your side no matter what." He angrily said.

(y/n) lightly pushed them away from her, crossing her arms as a guilty expression took on her face, "i feel like a who—"

Draken slammed his fist against the wall beside her head, glaring down at her, "don't you dare finish that sentence, (y/n)! You're not a whore and never did we think of you as one." He softened his gaze, caressing her cheek, "you're important to us...and we love you." He cussed silently, facing her again, "who gives a fuck if you decide to have a polygamous relationship with us, at least we'll all get to be with you!..that's what matters more!" He argued.

(y/n) felt her eyes water as she was pulled in a hug by the four men, their hands caressing her head, cheek or waist comfortingly while they whispered how much they want her and no one else but her, "you guys..." she chuckles weakly, wiping her eyes, "you're ridiculous." She says.

They chuckled back, "but we're still yours." They grinned handsomely.


In a meeting room were nine men sitting around a rectangular table, discussing the progression of their gang and the profits they've made so far, "hey," a man with short purple/black hair called out to them, gaining their attention.

"What the fuck do you want, Ran!?" A pinkette in a mullet style wearing a white button up with a pinstripe vest over scowled, kicking his feet on top the table, hands folded on his chest, "i hope this isn't about your dumb club again and those whores you've brought in, haven't you fucked one the other day?!." He hissed.

Ran rolled his eyes, grinning at him, "don't be such a downer, sanzu. We deserve to live the high life however we choose to."

A long white haired male clicked his tongue, propping his elbow on the cherry wood table, an annoyed expression on his face, "just hurry the fuck up and tell us already!"

"Jeez, calm your money bags down, koko." Ran sighs, wondering how he managed to survive with his dull co-workers around, "anyways, i heard there's an underground fight coming up and the big guys like our investors and business partners and such are going to be there."

"So? What do we got to do with an underground fight?" A male with purple hair in a mullet asks, twirling his glass bored but mildly intrigued by what his brother has to say.

Ran's eyes glinted, "there's a big bet going on, millions of dollars on the line, and they're all rooting for one person alone and i say we show them what bonten is all about and put the stakes higher....." He says, thumping the table with his knuckles, leaning back against his chair and crossing his legs, watching for their reaction.

"what, you mean like bet more money and include the losers in it?" Kokonoi asks, sitting up. Anything with money involved always has his attention asap.

"Exactly." Ran grinned, tapping his fingers on the table as he surveyed their faces, "so? Are we in? It's not like we've got anything to do this week besides boring paper work!"

The others exchanged glances before agreeing. I mean they don't have nothing to lose anyways...they're bonten, the biggest criminal organization in all of tokyo.

A/n: imma take my time with this arc and do it slowly so don't be surprised if there are no explicit scenes much.

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