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It was another toman meeting and mikey was searching for his crush, (y/n). His obsidian hues didn't see her at all, causing a frown to erupt on his face. Was she late? Why wasn't she here yet? Did something happen to her?

"Where's (y/n)? Doesn't she know we have a meeting tonight?" Mitsuya questions with a frown, checking his phone and trying to contact her but received no response at all. He was worried for their female member.

Draken clicked his tongue as he looked at the others, clearly showing his worry for (y/n) as well. Should the meeting go on? It is mandatory for everyone to be present...ya know, in case there are important things to discuss such as fights, alliances, etc.

Murmurs broke out amongst the members as some of the men thought (y/n) didn't want to come or was too busy with girlie things and didn't find this meeting to be important enough to attend.

Mikey puffed out his cheek before loudly declaring to all toman members, "meeting is over! (y/n)-chin is not here so we can't do nothing about that. Dismiss!" He watched silently as the guys left, leaving the captains and vice captains alone at the shrine.

"Does anyone know where she lives?" Smiley questions as he looked at the others for answers. They shook their heads, all except for mikey.

"I know where (y/n)-chin lives. I've dropped her home before." The small blonde admits, causing their eyes to dart to him with raised brows in surprise. He what!? When was this???

Mikey said nothing as he soon left the premises of musashi shrine, climbing on his bike and riding to the direction of (y/n)'s home. He slowed down once he arrived, parking in the front of the house before kicking his stand to rest his bike. He walked up to the door, knocking on it.

The small blonde tilted his head upwards when the door opened, revealing an older woman. Her mother, he presumes. Mikey plastered on a polite smile, "greetings, ms. (l/n). I'm mikey, (y/n)-chin's.....friend." He stretched out the last word, wanting to refer to her as his...or boyfriend, maybe.

(y/n)'s mother looked at mikey in surprise, her tired eyes examining the boy critically before speaking, "friend? Oh how lovely for her! How may i help you, dear?" She questions with a gentle smile.

Mikey averted his eyes, "i was wondering if (y/n)-chin is home? She was supposed to meet up with me and my friends tonight but she didn't show up, so I thought..." he trailed off, not saying anything else.

Ms. (L/n) smiled softly at mikey, patting his head. The action causing him to pause in surprise as she answered his questions, sighing, "my daughter is probably working at the book store. Tonight is her shift actually. She usually gets off at eight..." she hummed, "if you want, you can check on her. Here's the address." She told him the place and mikey nodded, driving off.

It took thirty minutes to arrive at the book store. He climbed off the motorcycle, observing the place. It was big. He stuffed his hands in pockets, walking inside the store and looking around. His obsidian hues landed on (y/n) standing behind the register with books next to her as she typed something on the screen and scanned the barcodes.'

Mikey stayed in his position, observing her. He had no idea she works. Now he understands why she couldn't come to the meeting....but not all of his questions were answered just yet. He approached the counter, "(y/n)-chin?" He called out to her, watching as she snapped her head up in surprise at seeing him in front of her.

"Mikey!" (y/n) says, closing the book and smiling at him with confusion written in her eyes, "what are you doing here...?...actually, how did you know where i work?" She then gasped in realization, closing her eyes tight, "there was a meeting tonight, wasn't there?"

Mikey looked at her, nodding, "you didn't come for the meeting tonight so we decided to reschedule for another time." He answers her, "why didn't you tell us you were working or that you weren't going to make it?"

(y/n) cheekily laughed, "um, i kind of forgot to tell you guys i was busy tonight and my phone battery died, so...yeah." She stacked up some books and left the register with mikey trailing after her, hot on her heels, "the reason I didn't tell you guys about my job was because my work life is separate from my gang life and i don't want to intermix the two, ya know?"

Mikey hummed, leaning against the shelf and looking at her silently, "it's kind of lonely here though, is there no one else but you?" He glanced around the empty bookstore, not liking the silence very much.

(y/n) shrugged, "my manager, he usually closes up the shop once all the employees are gone for the night. I usually get off at eight but he requested i stay till nine cause my other co-worker who's with me at this time couldn't come in today, so i took over her shift." She explains, checking the books carefully before moving to the next aisle.

Mikey frowns. He doesn't like that she's working so late and has to come home all by herself. What if another gang jumps her? Or something even more awful happens? He wouldn't know what to do if something happens to his crush. He probably might go ballistics.

Seeing his look, (y/n) chuckles, glancing at him, "worried for me?"

"Yes." Mikey bluntly says, not leaving his eyes from her. The (h/c)-ette was stunned momentarily. Honestly, she hadn't expected an answer from him.

She stammered for a moment before recollecting herself, "O-oh...well, it's nothing to worry about really. I only work four times a week." She assured him with a smile.

Mikey frowns, "i'll drop you home." He says, not giving her a chance to object as he waits in the bookstore for her to finish her shift before taking her home safely.

(Y/n) waved at him, saying her thanks and bidding him a good night before closing the front door of her house.

A/n: enjoy!

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