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At a warehouse in yokohama, tenjiku's leader was slowly pacing back and forth while the four heavenly kings and the executives sat on top of the crates watching him in silence, his boots suddenly came to a halt, a hand reaching up to rub his chin, orchid eyes glinting as they moved to his men, "...so this girl is mikey's weakness, you say?"

Kisaki nodded, pushing his glasses up, a glimmer of wickedness in his eyes, "yeah, she's precious to most of the toman members." He informs, hanma side-eyed him in silence.

Ran and rindou haitani had a feeling who it was, considering they've spoken to her a few times. Their chest tightened in worry but they refused to show it.

Izana, tenjiku's leader, hummed. His hanafuda earrings tinkling, "her name?" He demands, a plan formulating in his mind.

"...(y/n) (l/n)."

Kakucho's breath hitch as the name bounced off in his head. Was it her? The girl who saved him?...the one who patched up his wounds? He glanced at izana, if his leader got his hands on her it would be the turning point for tenjiku...on another hand, he didn't want to hurt the person who treated him kindly. What should he do?

Izana glanced at his men, a smirk widening on his tanned features, "bring her to me." He ordered. If he can have her, he's more than one step away from destroying mikey. It was perfect. His plan was beginning to fall into pieces and all the pawns were right in his hand.

Kisaki's glasses shined, "with pleasure." He grinned.


(y/n) stood in a hospital room where mitsuya takashi was laying unconscious. His head covered in bandages and arm in a cast. She had a deadly glare on her face, she was pissed.

When she heard tenjiku attacked hakkai, mitsuya, smiley while they were riding their bikes to the toman meeting, the latter two were critically injured and brought to the hospital...not only that, but mucho (who was a s62 member) turned traitor along with sanzu, and kokonoi was brought to their gang (takemichi and inupi hurt).

She rubbed her head in exhaustion, just what was happening. This was an all out attack on toman and these guys were playing dirty to win, even if it meant someone's life on the line.

A groan was heard as (y/n) moved her hand, looking at mitsuya who fluttered his eyes open, gazing all around him wearily before turning his head, spotting the female sat on the chair beside him, "(y/n)..?"

She smiled softly at him, holding his hand, "hey, mitsuya," she rubbed his skin gently, "how're you feeling?" She whispered quietly.

He smiled faintly, wincing when his head throbbed, "considering i got hit on the head and my arm is in a cast...not so well." He mumbles.

She chuckled, gently caressing his hand comfortingly, " you're mother is in the waiting room, she had some forms to fill out," she sighed, "mana and luna are crying for you."

Mitsuya's eyes lowered, he felt guilty, "this is all my fault, if i had been more careful my family—-" he was hushed by (y/n), who shook her head in refute.

The (h/c)-ette frowned, "don't blame yourself, mitsuya, tenjiku was unfair and you should know better than anyone that not all gangs play on equal grounds." She says.

The lilac-haired male sighed, moving to gaze at the dull ceiling, clutching her hand tighter, "...you're right." He then chuckled, "i bet toman is going crazy right now."

(y/n) chuckled back, nodding her head as she recalled the meeting, "they were...everyone was in an uproar that two of our captains are injured. Hakkai even suggested we play dirty as well as payback for them hurting you."

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