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It was (y/n)'s first day as bonten's assistant. She got up early, took a shower, made some breakfast and packed her lunch before grabbing her bag and keys, heading out the door with her skateboard.

Just because she was an adult now doesn't mean she hasn't stopped doing what she loves. She rolled down the sidewalks before heading to the station. She has a car but she doesn't use it often, only on rainy and snowy days.

Once she got off the train, she moved her skateboard in the direction of the bonten's building before stopping at the entrance, kicking it up with her foot and nodding her head at the guards stationed at the front who gave her weird looks but allowed her entry when she flashed them her identification card.

The building inside was fairly empty since it was the morning and none of the other workers have arrived yet. She did notice some bonten members roaming about giving her judging or questionable looks. She ignored them.

(y/n) entered the elevator, hitting the top floor button. She tapped her shoes on the floor watching as the numbers risen one by one till she finally arrived, exiting the shaft, her eyes widening upon seeing mikey, izana and all the executives waiting for her with grins, "is this the welcoming party?" She cautiously asks.

Izana chuckles, shaking his head, "what if it is?" He then continues, "first we'll like to get you acquainted with what you'll be doing. You'll be assisting us with whatever we need and doing the usual like paperwork and such and if we need you to accompany us on trips or business deals it's required of you." He went on to explain a few more rules before he finished.

"Well, i think that's all of it, we'll be in our offices and phone you if we need something, your desk office is down the way." The platinum blonde smirked, patting her head which she swatted.

(y/n) sat in her chair in her medium sized office room, observing the area. There was a stack of paperwork and a laptop of course, all the necessities. She began her work, reading documents and signing them or organizing them for the others if it's important.

Her fingers moved across the keyboard efficiently when she heard the phone go off, she picked it up, "hello?" She asks in a polite voice.

"(y/n)? come in my office, i need help." Ran simply says before hanging up. Rude. She stared at the receiver before sighing and standing up, leaving her office to go find the older haitani's. She knocked on his door, hearing his permission to enter.

She walked inside, standing awkwardly near the door, "yes, sir?"

Ran rose an eyebrow, a lazy smirk on his features, "sir? I like that. From now you're to call me that." He demands, before curling a finger in her direction and motioning her to come forward. He watched amused as she took baby steps before he gestured her to come even closer, "sit right here," he points to a chair, beckoning her to bring it.

(y/n) did as he asked all while secretly glaring at him before slumping on the chair. She pursed her lips when he dragged it closer til their thighs touched.

"I need your help with my paperwork. I don't want to do it." Ran says simply, staring at her.

(y/n) clenched her jaw before smiling at him, "sure thing, I'll gladly help you, but I'm not doing all your work for you. Here, let me show you." Ran opened his mouth to complain but she shot him a glare, silencing him, "these ones are important which means you have to sign them immediately and return it to koko. These ones are business offers so you'll have to call them yourself and these ones—-"

Ran leaned against his chair, tossing his legs on top his desk and groaning, "that's a lot, doll face. Isn't there an easier way?"

(y/n) narrowed her eyes, replying, "no, and stop being lazy. You signed up for this when you formed bonten and this is what comes with it, so deal with it." She huffs.

Ran turned his head, getting close to her face and looking into her eyes with an amused expression, "I'm your boss ya know, you're not allowed to talk to me like that." He wagged his finger at her.

(y/n) grabbed it, twisting it and ignoring his wince, "well it's not like you can fire me considering you went through a whole lot of trouble to get me here, didn't you?" She sarcastically smiled, letting his finger go and watching as he chuckled, rubbing it gently.

"Still the same as ever I see." He says.

Ran's door slammed open, revealing sanzu who glared at the scene before him, "what are you doing to (y/n), you purple haired bastard!?" He shouted as he and Ran began to argue very loudly.

(y/n) slyly left the older haitani's office and went back to her own, groaning. It was only three hours in and she already regretted saying yes to this job.

Night time soon hit and she hurriedly packed her bag and went to leave, heading for the elevator. Just as the doors were about to close, a hand stopped it. It was the bonten executives. They all clambered inside as she was surrounded.

"Eager to leave so soon?" Takeomi joked, an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

"Yes." (y/n) blurted out the words, silencing them. She glanced when she felt mikey hold her hand but she didn't pull away, "i assume you're all heading home or wherever you're going to." She says.

"I'm hitting the club, if any one of you want to join." Mochi says. The others shook their heads minus takeomi, who accepted.

Kokonoi eyed the (h/c)-ette's skateboard, "that's yours?" He never noticed it. She nodded wordlessly, "don't tell me that's your transportation here?" He incredulously asked. The others paid attention even after they exited the elevator.

(y/n) nonchalantly glanced at him, "i have a car but i chose to skateboard to the train station and all the way here." She replied. Mikey stared at the skateboard, he knew how important it was to her, it was her baby. He was surprised she still has it all this time and is using it.

"I didn't know you skateboard, aren't you bit old for that now?" Rindou asks.

She shook her head, "you're never too old for anything, rindou. Lesson number one." She shakes her head at them.

"I'll drop you home," mikey says, holding onto her hand. He gave her cold eyes, daring her to disobey him while she stared back with raised brows, unafraid. Without another word, he led her to his car after she said goodnight to them.

The drive back to her house was silent as neither her nor mikey spoke words...but the short male appreciated her presence a lot. He just wanted to be with her, that's all. He arrived in front her house, watching emotionlessly as she got out, "...goodnight, mikey," she says, walking away from him and closing her front door once she was inside.

"....goodnight, (y/n)-chin...."

A/n: enjoy, lol i have no idea what I'm writing for this arc but I hope you like it!! Tell me your thoughts!!

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