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(y/n) trudged through the street quietly in disappointment and annoyance. This was the 25th job application and no one wanted to hire her. It was getting tiresome having to stare at the computer and research.

She was now headed to the motorcycle shop where draken and inupi are working, she pushed the doors open, catching their attention as she lamely waved, slumping on the stool, "hey." She sighs again.

"Found a job yet?" Draken questions, causing her to chuckle awkwardly. She did not want to admit that every job opening she applied for she was rejected the next day. She had a feeling it was bonten. They were causing this so she'd have no choice but to go to them...but she couldn't give up yet!

"erm...not yet." The (h/c)-ette says, crumpling the paper and tossing it in the trash bin. Inupi gave her a empathetic glance, opening his mouth to say something.

"I'm sure you'll find something soon, (y/n), besides don't you think it's for the best that you're gone from that place now? At least you don't have to get beaten up constantly..." he says, "not that I'm saying you're not a great fighter, you are!" He stammered on his words.

Draken chuckled, standing up and wiping his hands before approaching (y/n) and pecking her lips gently,
"are you sure you don't want a job here? I can pull some strings—" he was cut off by her.

(y/n) shook her head, refusing, "i don't want to impose and besides this place can't afford another person to work here, I'll only be a burden." She admits, scratching her cheek softly.

The tall male sighs, he didn't like seeing his love so upset, "...if you say so, but the position remains open if you're interested." She nods.

(y/n) spent another hour with him and inupi before deciding to leave and continue her job hunting. She bid them goodbye as they smiled back at her, telling her to be safe before she exited the shop.

As she walked down the quiet streets, she glanced at the flyers and her phone to check for more available positions for jobs when she heard a car blowing their horn at her, causing her to glance back, seeing a cadilliac approaching her before slowly down. She watched curiously as the window rolls down and her face changed into a sour expression.

"Happy job hunting?" Ran asks with a shit eating grin on his face, sanzu and rindou in the car as well looking at her.

(y/n) glares at him, "i know it's you guys that are interfering with my business!" She hissed at them, they were still annoying even after all these years (except sanzu).

The older haitani tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, "you can always end this by coming with us, ya know." He gave her a knowing look, which she refrained from throwing her phone at him.

She sarcastically smile, "oh ran, if i wanted my foot would find its way to your face but i don't think you'd want a giant footprint plastered across for the world to see."

Sanzu cackled, so proud of his love as he grins widely, "that would definitely make my day!"

Ran was amused by her threats, "I certainly don't want to look forward to that." He says, chuckling, before quieting down, "you need a ride? We aren't busy today." He asks.

She shook her head, eyeing the bonten trio, "I'd rather not be seen in public with you besides, criminals don't have time to rest, do they?" She remarked, "besides, I'm sure you'll find some sort of entertainment, the newscast likes to inform everyone bonten attends clubs and bars."

Rindou sighed, gazing at her with his lazy hooded eyes, "when are you gonna stop calling us criminals?..and who gives a fuck about the club? We haven't seen you in twelve years, guaranteed it's our fault, but you're here now and we don't plan to let you go that easily, dove." He grins.

(y/n) gave them a weird look, "yandere much?" She scoffed, he shrugged with a smirk. Her eye twitched, "goodbye." She stomped off, causing the men to chuckle...she certainly hasn't changed one bit...


(y/n) entered the pet shop, glancing around before spotting kazutora quietly working, his hands carrying two boxes, "is it a bad time?" She asks, watching as he quickly turned to face her.

"(y/n)!" Kazutora smiled at her, putting the boxes down and coming to kiss her head, "what are you doing here?..of course it's not a bad time, you're welcome any day." He grinned.

She hugged him back, sighing as she rested her forehead on his chest, "am i curse?" She asks, confusing him, which clarified more, "what do you think i should do? I haven't found a job yet and...I don't know!" She huffs.

The male hugged her back comfortingly, "don't give up yet, (y/n), I'm sure a miracle will happen soon." Just then, baji and chifuyu entered from the storeroom, surprised to see the female. She greeted them too.

Baji hugged her, hands on her waist, "you can always join us at the pet-store, these little guys are quite a handful." He chuckle, patting one of the cats as it purred before jumping on him and curling up on his shoulder, he was a cat magnet.

(y/n) hummed, scratching the cat's chin, "it's a very tempting offer and I'm nearly convinced to accept but...I don't do well in taking care of animals, too much responsibility, ya know?" They nodded in understanding.

When (y/n) got home, she was contemplating on joining bonten as their assistant...as long as she could retain some sense of normalcy in her life...besides, it's not like she's gonna be doing criminal stuff except for paperwork and it's an easy way to get money.

The reason why she's all about money is because she's donating most of it to charities, orphan homes, homeless shelters, and hospitals. Her underground fights paid a lot of money for every match she won. Thousands to millions, which she happily spent on other people besides herself. So it was a win-win situation for her, she got to be in a field where she can enjoy and also help people simultaneously....till bonten took it away from her.

She picked up the little card kokonoi had given her that had their address and number on it. Was she actually contemplating this?! She reluctantly picked up the phone, dialing the number....

A few rings in and someone answered the phone.

".....so you accept?"

A/n: enjoy!!! This will be a completely different bonten but still the same guys but in how I personally think they are.

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