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(Y/n) was jogging at 7:30 in the morning on a Saturday before hitting the gym. It was a routine of hers that she always tries to maintain to keep in shape even though it was difficult.

Her mind was racing with so much thoughts, mainly about the toman boys, mikey, the incident with draken, etc. She was starting to put the pieces together and came to the conclusion.

They like her....

She checked her watch as she slowed down, hand on her hip as she breathed heavily before looking around for the nearest convenience store to grab a snack and some water. Her tummy was rumbling.

Her (e/c) hues landed on the store nearby and sighed in relief, walking towards it. Entering the shop, she greeted the cashier before searching around for the aisles for snacks and drinks. She finally decided on one, reaching her hand to grab the last of the corn-chips when someone else reached for it too....hands touching.

Blinking, (y/n) followed the arm till they landed on a pair of familiar purple eyes (that strangely resembles a certain haitani she knows) staring at her with a frown, "uhm, this is mine, so if you'd please remove your hand." She told the guy.

The male had blonde-blue hair and was a wearing a dark grey sweatshirt and some pants, he scoffed at her, "no way, my hand touched it first, therefore it's mine." He tugged the chips away from her, frowning when she snatched it back.

"I was here first." (y/n) glared at the male about to walk away with the bag of chips when he held her arm firmly, causing her to glance back at him then at his hand, which he noticed and quickly released her, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Doesn't matter if you were here first, i touched them first, so they're mine." The male argued, glaring at her.

(y/n) was about to say something when another voice spoke up from beside them, "what's the matter, rindou?" She glanced at the newcomer to see a familiar face she hadn't expected to see since the party monica took her to. Ran.

The older haitani was surprised to see her again, but couldn't help the grin forming on his lips. He found her....

(Y/n) sighed, explaining the situation, "this guy thinks he can bully me and steal my chips when I clearly got here first and grabbed them." She told Ran, who glanced at his brother with a disappointed look. He sighed.

"Seriously, rindou? It's a bag of chips. Find another one and leave the little lady alone." Ran then turned back to her, "a little lady that hadn't told me her name yet." He reminded her.

She rose an eyebrow at him, "....it's (y/n)." The older haitani gave a satisfied grin.

Rindou looked between the two in slight confusion, "you know her?" Ran gave his brother a disbelief look, responding, "she was at the party in roppongi, remember? The one who can dance." The one i told you about....

The younger Haitani widened his eyes, dropping them to the (h/c)-ette as he didn't recognize her. How could he? He didn't even speak to her until now.

"Whatever." Rindou huffed, crossing his arms with a clenched jaw, still sour about earlier. It's no fair. He wanted those chips cause they're the only one he likes and unfortunately they were the last ones. He didn't want to travel across town looking for a bag of chips. Like wtf?

(y/n) sighed, holding the bag out to him, surprising the two males, "take it, it's okay." She reassured, placing it in his hand, before leaving the aisle to check out her drink.

Rindou stared at her retreating figure with a pink blush. No girl has ever been kind to him before let alone given him anything he wants...he grunted in annoyance when his brother Ran wiggled his brows at him, "shut the fuck up, aniki." He muttered under his breath, clenching the bag of chips in his hands.

The two brothers soon left the convenience store, pausing at the sight of the (h/c)-haired beauty drinking her beverage when a guy approached her, loudly stating how he wants to have some 'fun' with her and to go out with him while she had an agitated look on her face before punching the guy in the nose, causing him to cuss.

Ran rose an eyebrow, "impressive." He praised with a lazy grin, observing as (y/n) gave the man a nonchalant look, "it doesn't seem like she's a fighter?...but she is a cute one." He propped a hand on his hip. "We can share if you're interested."

Rindou stared at her in silence before the two brothers noticed the guy storming up to her, his hand raised as if to hit her.

"You bitch—!"

(y/n) was prepared to move when someone's hand from behind her grasped onto the guys hand tightly, "oi, get the fuck out of here or I'll break your fucking bones." The guy seemed to recognize him and scampered away in fear.

(y/n) turned around, seeing the haitani's from the convenience store, "it's you again..." she murmured in surprise.

Rindou cleared his throat, looking down at her, "you okay? He didn't hurt ya, did he?" He asked, averting his eyes while grumbling. Ran stood beside him with his hand on his shoulder.

"I didn't need your help but thanks anyways." (y/n) sighed, awkwardly looking to the side, "....listen, I'm sorry about the whole—"

Rindou cut her off, waving his hand, "it's alright, those chips were yours." He blushed, pushing his glasses up. It was his first time having an actual conversation with a girl. He roughly handed her the chips which she refused, explaining that he already paid for it and it was no use to give it to her.

Ran then spoke up, "you exercising or something?" He gestured to her outfit, which was a sweatpants and a tank top. His eyes lingered on her breasts for a moment before moving to her exposed stomach. It was so smooth. His fingers aching to touch it.

(y/n) nodded, pocketing her earphones, "yeah, it's great for cardio." She says, "although I'm not much of a runner cause i hate the aftermath that comes with it; aches and whatnot." She chuckled, looking to the side sheepishly.

Ran nodded before realizing he didn't introduce his brother to her. He gestured with his thumb, "this is rindou, my brother." He grinned at her, "so we meet again, didn't we? You're still the same pretty girl, aren't you?" He complimented, eyeing her up and down with appraisal.

(y/n) rose an eyebrow, unimpressed, "and you're still a fuck-boy, aren't you?" Rindou couldn't help but snicker at the insult while his brother glared at him.

Ran placed a hand on his heart, pretending to be wounded, "this is twice you hurt me, love." In truth, he was shocked. He shouldn't be considering she treated him the same back at the party but his mind couldn't wrap around the fact that she wasn't charmed so easily when usually all the girls he's been with have been nothing but complacent and easy-going. Guess not all girls are like that, he surmised, but that's what makes this chase for her so interesting...

(y/n) rolled her eyes, "i hope it hurt more than just your pride and ego." She remarked, leaning against the brick wall before a hand slammed beside her head, Ran leaning over her in a kabedon style.

His lazy purple hues gazing down at her with his handsome face, "and what if it did?...how are you going to compensate me?" He lowly murmured, caressing her cheek which she slapped away nonchalantly.

Rindou rolled his eyes at his brother, he couldn't stop being a ladies man, could he?

"....so you're rindou, huh?" (y/n) ducked under Ran's arm and approached the younger haitani, who stared wide eyed at her in shock at her rejection for his brother, "you seem respectable...i like that." She bluntly told him, causing him to blush, "anyways, i gotta go, hope we meet again." She waved.

Rindou stared at her figure before facing Ran, who remained frozen in the same position staring at the brick wall where (y/n) once was, muttering under his breath about 'being rejected twice'. He rolled his eyes, "what's the matter, aniki? Shocked that you got rejected?"

Ran snapped out of it, turning to his brother with a frown, "I didn't get rejected...she just..." he tried to explain that he likes the chase and it was gonna be worth it in the end when he makes her his.....meanwhile rindou just walked away with a satisfied smirk, a feeling of pride in his chest that for once...his brother was ignored by a girl.

A/n: enjoy, lol.'

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