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(y/n) sat next to mikey in his special spot that he took her to. She had received a call from the small blonde who asked if they can go on a date, she accepted. Now they both sat in silence.

"...(y/n)-chin is the best thing that ever happened to me." Mikey suddenly spoke, obsidian hues staring out into the water, in his hand was a taiyaki fish dessert.

(y/n) flashed him a smile, "is that so?...i'm glad." She held his hand comfortingly, which he squeezed back tightly, afraid to let go, "honestly, i never expected my life to take such a turning point when we met in the train."

"Is that bad?" The small blonde asks, facing her. She shook her head chuckling, "it was the best year of my entire life...minus all the kidnapping stuff and going to the hospital." She joked.

At the mention of those incidents, mikey lowered his gaze for a moment, eyes flashing in sadness before they faded away, "gomen, (y/n)-chin..." she looked at him confused, "it was because of me everyone was targeting you and you nearly died two times." He clenched his fists in anger and disappointment.

(y/n) shook her head in denial, "of course it wasn't your fault, silly," she thumped his head, "i knew the risks of being in a gang and you knew too but yet i'm still alive, aren't i? Besides, i'm not going anywhere just yet." She huffed.

Mikey chuckled, intertwining their fingers and feeling her warmth, "you better not." His smile soon faded into something more solemn, "i need you." He admits, staring into her eyes lovingly.

(y/n) looked away, coughing into her fist.

"...you still haven't said it back yet," mikey says, still staring, before a small laugh escapes his lips, "it must be confusing for you, which is why i don't mind waiting for your answer, even if it's twelve years later or not." He assured her.

Feeling a lump in her throat, she looked at her lap, "mikey...you do mean a lot to me...and of course i love you too," he widened his eyes, attentively listening to her, "but i still need time to get everything together..." I don't want to break anyone's heart by choosing. She thought with a conflicted expression.

Mikey understood her silent words, flashing a small grin, "it's like i said....I'll wait no matter how long it takes." He held her hand tightly, staring deeply into her eyes, "i want to marry you and have a family one day." He confessed, making her heart thump loudly in her chest.

"mikey..." (y/n) whispers, eyes lowered. His hand cupped her jaw, tilting her head upwards so he can see her face. His obsidian hues darted all across her features, memorizing them till she stuck in his head. His thumb gently caressed her bottom lip as the distance between them shortened, their mouths molding into a deep yet sweet kiss.

They parted for a moment, breathing into each other before their lips met again...and again...His hands touched her waist while her arms wrapped around his neck.

Mikey reluctantly pulls away, licking his lips, "lets continue our date." He tells her with a smile, pulling her hand alongside with him as they went to the arcade where he won her a capsule that held a heart necklace, he put it around her neck for her. From there, they went to the park to get ice cream and desserts before finally going inside one of the photo booths where they took silly pictures together.

The sun was starting to set as he walked her home slowly, hands meshed together and all sweaty but neither didn't mind. When they finally arrived, (y/n) turned to mikey, smiling at him, "thank you for today, it means a lot." She says, her cheeks turning a shade of red.

The small blonde chuckled, caressing her cheek continuously before staring at her in silence.

Five minutes passed before (y/n) spoke up, an eyebrow raised, "what?" She chuckles, not understanding why he was staring.

Mikey shook his head, lips pulling into a small smile, "nothing." He says, pecking her lips one last time before waving his hand, "bye-bye, (y/n)-chin!" He grinned at her.

She chuckled, raising her hand as she went inside her home, leaving mikey all alone outside tightly clutching the photos he took with her.....

.......a tear slowly escaping his eye.....

gomen, (y/n)-chin.....


Sanzu stared at (y/n) in silence, the girl confused as he followed her in every aisle at the bookstore, "sanzu...do i have to ask?"

The pinkette shook his head, averting his eyes, "i'm sorry for what happened at tenjiku," he paused, clenching his fists, "i..."

(y/n) shook her head, putting the books down, "it's not your fault, mucho made you leave...then again that guy has problems of his own so it's best to just leave him alone." She nods to herself, telling sanzu what she thought.

The pinkette hummed, hands behind his back. He felt guilty for not doing anything when the (h/c)-ette was kidnapped by tenjiku and for not stepping in when izana made those members attack her...but he was undercover! He couldn't risk exposing himself. Well, that's what he tried to convince himself with.

Anyways, his guilt for not protecting the girl he loves made sanzu come and search for her, which is why he's in the bookstore where she works at.

Seeing his expression, (y/n) sighs, flashing a small smile, "why don't we go to the cozy corner and get some sweets? I heard their shop is killer." She scratched her head, "besides, i don't think my manager will mind at the point considering i've missed more than enough days already." She cheekily says.

Sanzu grinned underneath his mask. He loves cozy corner, it's where he gets his cheesecake from. The two left the bookstore, monica was on leave so there was another co-worker present.

"Hey! You can't just up and leave whenever you want lady—" the guy squeaked in fear when sanzu glared murderously at him before (y/n) yanked the pinkette by the collar and out the store, flashing an apologetic look.

why am I surrounded by idiotic yet protective boys?!

A/n: enjoy....

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