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One month later....

(y/n) had gotten fairly used to the routine now. Certain executives were still a pain but she managed them quite well. She's been going home every night and refusing to accompany them to clubs or bars. Of course, she believes that they are undoubtedly taking advantage of her and asking for things that don't meet her job requirements at all.

Right now, she was with mikey in his office with izana beside him. She had some papers in hand as she was explaining to them that some major business partners want to speak to them directly. The short haired male wasn't even paying attention, opting to stare at her instead as he ate a taiyaki. She sighs.

Izana rolled his eyes at his brother, "seriously, mikey? Pay attention." He sighs exasperatedly, "continue, darling." He says.

A knock was soon heard.

"come in." Mikey crumpled the plastic of his taiyaki. Obsidian eyes watched passively as the door opened and a flash of pink hair entered his vision. Sanzu. Following behind him was Kakucho with papers in his hands.

The two bonten executives were surprised to see (y/n) inside, "baby!!" Sanzu instantly hugged her from behind, nuzzling her neck and sighing, pressing a small kiss on her skin. He grunted when he felt her hand on his face pushing him away, "aww, come on doll, let me hug you so more...unless you want kisses instead!" She glares at him, causing him to raise his hands in defense, chuckling.

"sanzu..." (y/n) warns, lifting the stack of papers in her hands as a threat to hit him. Kakucho shook his head at his co-worked but felt a little jealous. Izana shot him a threatening glare.

The pinkette chuckles, "alright, alright." The male's expression turned more serious, "kaku has some news." He said.

Kakucho rolled his eyes at sanzu, sparing him an
annoyed glance before stepping up, "we have a meeting with one our business partners later today. It's about the cargo shipment for guns and the construction of a new establishment that would benefit us."

Mikey remained stoic, "where?"

"Roppongi. The haitani's are experts in that area so
they should know whether or not if profit will made
there." Kakucho informed with a serious gaze.

Izana turns to (y/n), who was listening quietly, "you're coming with us." She was about to protest till he added in, "it's an order, dove." She cringed before sighing. Looks like she has no choice if she wants to get paid this week.

When it was time to leave, she followed mikey and the others out the building with her work bag, staring at their choice of transportation.

"A limo? How extra." (y/n) says with a sigh.

The driver took them to their destination in Roppongi, stopping in front of a tall building where security guards were walking around all serious and armed.

Stepping out, the group of dangerous men entered the building with the (h/c)-ette following behind. At the top floor where the ceo was anxiously waiting for them, he stood up abruptly from his seat to extend a hand, "g-greetings..!" He shook their hands, except for mikey, who stared at him blankly with his cold obsidian eyes.

The man went for (y/n)'s hand for kakucho grabbed it, "sorry, but she's off limits." The female rolls her eyes at them, taking the seat between mikey and izana, both men wanting her close by in case. She took out a touch pad, getting ready to jot down anything they might miss during the conversation.

"Let's skip the pleasantries and get onto business."
Takeomi began. All of them took their seat around
the big mahogany table.

The man they were meeting used bribery and extortion to build himself a huge, art-stuffed mansion and a stripper club. This meeting they have, it was obvious to the Bonten members that he was trying to get them to give him more money.

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