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(y/n) was walking to the library to collect a book she has to read for her school assignment. Her bag hung over her shoulder as her footsteps resounded on the concrete. She yawned. The new year had begun but it still felt the same to her....the same routines everyday...welp, that was life.

She browsed through the aisles, unaware that her phone was on silent and she missed multiple calls and messages from her toman members. She checked out the book, leaving the library with her head down.

She stopped mid-walk when she saw men in red uniforms surrounding her. (y/n) frowned, glancing at them as they grinned at her with bad intentions in their mind, "can i help you?"

A large and imposing figure moved through the men in red, grinning wickedly down at her, "actually you can." He pauses, observing her, "you're toman's unyielding member, aren't you?...mikey's weakness!"

(y/n) paused, propping a hand on her hip with unamused eyes, "I don't understand why people keep saying i'm mikey's weakness, he's strong even without me." She sighs.

The large man scoffed, smirking down at her, "why don't we put it to the test, hm?" He snapped his fingers and the men in red approached her, "I already dealt with your little friends at shibuya station earlier."

(y/n) adjusted her bag and took a stance, scanning the men. It was good five seconds before they charged at her. It was an ambush. She punched and kicked most of the men but she couldn't take them all. Her cheek had an ugly blue bruise and her brow had a scratch on it.

A loud battle cry was heard and the men in red uniforms were soon bashed through, toppling to the ground as a familiar bulky male stood behind (y/n) protectively, a crazed grin on his face. Taiju!

The other large male looked at the older shiba with a frown and surprised eyes, "you're...taiju shiba!"

Taiju grinned crazily, one eye open huge while the other remained normal, "and you're mochizuki kanji, aren't you?..one of the s62? I've heard about you." He cracked his knuckles, "lay a hand on this girl and i'll fucking kill you!" He shouted with mad glee.

Mochi clicked his tongue in surprise, he hadn't expected for the former black dragon's leader to show up out of nowhere. His ambush has been ruined. He shouted at his men, "we're heading back! Besides, we've already dealt more than enough damage." He walked away, not before glancing at (y/n), "yokohama tenjiku isn't done with you yet, girl."

Taiju let out a threatening growl, prompting mochi to glance at him warily before leaving.

Now that it was just the two of them, (y/n) faced taiju, staring at him, "where did you come from?...not that I don't appreciate your help, but i'm so confused right now."

The older shiba glared at her before hoisting her into his arms, shocking her. He carried her all the way to his new living quarters which was another luxury apartment, he set her down on his couch, rummaging for a first aid.

"you never answered my question." She said, frowning once he sat back down on the coffee table facing her. His big hand cupped her jaw gently, wiping away the blood from her face and putting ointment on her bruises and cuts.

Taiju exhaled deeply, glowering at her, "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" She stared wide eyed at his outburst, "walking around like that without somebody with you! You could've been seriously hurt!" He growled, "luckily i was back in shibuya just in time to stop those bastards!"

(y/n) relaxed her shoulders, "you know who they are?" Taiju huffed, setting the first aid down.

"They're a new gang called tenjiku. They've got the whole s62 with them." He proceeded to explain to her, "what they did was an ambush and if you were their target, then the other toman members probably caught up with them too." He says, resting his arms on his lap

(y/n) frowned, digging into her bag and pulling out her phone, seeing multiple missed calls and messages. She checked the recent one. There was an emergency toman meeting being held immediately, "i have to go." She stood up.

Taiju stood up with her, glaring at her, "I'll take you. Those guys can come back anytime now that you're on their radar." She nodded.

At musashi shrine, mikey and the others were worried for the (h/c)-ette because she wasn't answering their calls and feared the worst. If mitsuya, takemichi, smiley, chifuyu and the others were targeted, then no doubt she will too.

"i hope tenjiku didn't take (y/n)-chan like taiju did before." Angry commented, furrowing his brows.

Baji growled, "those bastard, targeting (y/n) while she's alone! That's unfair!" He shouted.

Mikey felt his heart stopping. He couldn't lose (y/n)...not again. The last time was already too painful that he couldn't think clearly he nearly lost himself.

"i managed quite enough, thank you, baji." A familiar female voice said, causing all eyes to dart to her and the figure behind her...taiju shiba.

Hakkai widened his eyes, "big bro!" He was shook. What was he doing here? Kokonoi and inupi couldn't look at their former leader in the eyes as taiju stared at them with narrowed eyes.

"taiju.." draken mutters. Baji, kazutora and sanzu glanced at the shiba.

(y/n) glanced at taiju briefly before looking at the others, who awaited an explanation, "yeah, i was ambushed as well but taiju found me and protected me from their attack, so I'm alright." She says

The small blonde slumped in relief, nodding at taiju who looked away with a sour expression, still bitter about their encounter.

The older shiba looked at (y/n), glare softening, "remember what i said." He then turned to leave, not looking back. The others were stumped by how docile taiju seemed to be with her.

After seeing the (h/c)-ette safe and sound, mikey announced the meeting, the discussion of tenjiku and the means of war.

A/n: enjoy....

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