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A week later

(y/n) woke up feeling someone's arms around her, she groaned, probably thinking it was one of her boys. She snuggled into them, feeling their grip tighten. She fluttered her eyes open, seeing obsidian hues staring back at her. She screamed in shock, scrambling away before realizing it was..."mikey!!! What are you doing here..!?..and in my bed!!!"

The short male sat up, gazing emotionless at her without answer, she squinted at him till he averted his eyes, opening his mouth, "I wanted to see (y/n)-chin.." he says.

(y/n) sighed exasperatedly, running a hand through her disheveled hair, before looking at him, "mikey, you could've simply called or messaged me." He didn't say nothing.

She sighed, removing the sheets from her and went to the bathroom to freshen up, mikey trailing after her till she shut the door in his face, "no!" He frowned.

By the time she got out, mikey went in after her. She sighed rolling her eyes as she checked her messages. There were some from draken and the others. She opened baji's first.

Hey kitten, we got a date tomorrow night, don't forget. I'll pick you up at eight. Love you!

(y/n) smiled, replying back when she felt hot air touching her neck, causing her to glance back and see mikey standing behind her in nothing but a towel, gazing down at her phone blankly. Noticing that, she turns her phone off, "you're done already?" She changed the subject, which he noticed.

His obsidian hues followed her as she went to get her bag, ".....you and baji are together?" He asks, feeling a weird stinging sensation in his chest.

(y/n) nods, glancing at him, "well, baji, draken, mitsuya, kazutora and I are in an open relationship. We're dating." She says, shifting uncomfortably when she saw mikey's eyes flash with something unknown, his fists clenching.

He was supposed to be with her...they were living his dream that he wanted for a long time and for once he admitted that he disliked his friends in that split moment. He didn't hate them, no, he just felt...jealous? But why should he? He left her...not them.

(y/n) watched as mikey left her house without a word. She sighed, grabbing her bag and heading out. She was heading to the city since her boys were busy working today. She decided to go to a wine tasting event for fun.

She sat alone on a stool, checking the different liquors. She wasn't a heavy drinker but she did want a sip. She sniffed one of them, swiftly turning her head when she heard a deep drawling voice, "ara? (y/n)?"'

"Hanma..." said male grinned when he saw it really was her, he pushed his glasses up, "what are you doing here?" She asks.

The zombie male took the seat next to her, taking her glass and downing the liquid inside it, exhaling, "same as you, I suppose, wanting to try some new alcohol." He grins at her, resting his head on his palm as he observes her, "....you've changed.....you're more beautiful." He flirts.

She chuckles, swiping her glass back, "and you look handsome as well. The hair suits you well. I wasn't a fan of your little mohawk twelve years ago."

Hanma huffs, "it's not a mohawk." He grumbles. He thought his old hairstyle was pretty good. She patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"So what have you been up to lately?" (y/n) asks, tilting her head, "but if I had to guess you're part of a gang aren't you?"

Hanma grinned in response, "nothing ever slips past you, does it? Yeah, i am. I live for thrill." He then asks her, "what have you been doing all these years?" She told him how she participated in underground fights and now she's an assistant to a company.

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