!2012! raph x reader. Panic attack.

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You lay on your bed tears streaming down your eyes as you sobbed into your blankets which were pulled up to your face. You where curled up into a ball shaking.

Mental episodes like this were not uncommon for you but they didn't happen everyday either. You felt what had actually triggered this one was stupid but here you are staining your blankets with hot tears.

Today's mental lapse was a pile of small stupid things that shouldn't bother you but..when your friends ask if your hungry and you say yes they retort with "of course you are" or when your assigned partner complains about how much room you take up..

You just can't help but get filled with a burning self-hate. People's cruelty wasn't the only reason you were crying though. You caught yourself getting a crush. A horrible terrible thing for you.

They never turned out to be anything substantial, I mean look at me! I look so ugly..the crushes either never found out you liked them, rejected you or played you. So you made it your mission to never get one.

But when he looked at you, you couldn't deny the butterflies. And when he talked you just melted at his super hot accent..you understood him, well, as much as a human can. Because you my dear reader had caught feelings for a mutant turtle named Raphael.

You had met him after coming home from work, some thugs jumped you and you actually held your own against them, however it was four against one and you were losing. Raph swooped in and saved you, accidentally reveling his true Appearance.

Of course you didn't mind, you most of all people believed in judgement of character before Appearance and from what you've seen so far he was an alright guy.

Intrigued by your lack of surprise and now you know he and his brothers existence he had no choose to bring you home, and the rest is History.

You thought about texting the boys on why you didn't make your weekly trip to the lair but decided against it, you'd text them in the morning.

You had mostly calmed down, now just silent tears rolling down your face. You were about to go to sleep when you heard a soft tap on the window.

You had a suspicion that it was one of the turtles but is was real late at night. You brushed it of as a bird or something. The tapping began again, this time more forceful.

"Ughhhh" you whined.

"It's unlocked!" You shouted, your parents had just left on a business trip so you don't need to worry about waking them up.

The window opened and..raph,? You blinked a few times. You expected it to be Leo to rant at you for not telling them where you were, or even Mikey to try and cheer you up but no.

He climbed out of the window sill fully before yelling at you.


you jolted up and stood onto your feet.



his screams were drowned out by your subconscious, a trick you have perfected over the years. Your worst fear was coming true, raph was pissed at you. You've been in this position before.

You were shaking slightly tears building back up again as you gripped your hands fidgeting with them. When he finally stopped screaming at you, you tried to respond but it came out as a panicked sob.

"I-im so sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!-" you couldn't stop it. you were shaking badly now and you were drowning in sobs and gasps. You felt your heart beat faster and faster in your chest.

Fuck anytime but now! please!

Raph rushed twords you, making you flinch throwing your hands up to protect yourself. He stood frozen. Not knowing what was happening.

"Y/n? What's going on?"

You were breathing frantically trying to say anything but all that came out was whines and gasps.

He nodded, looking knowingly.

Raph slowly wrapped his arms around you, in return you clung onto him for dear life trying to control your breathing. He was softly stroking your hair and whispering to you.

"Shhhh, it's ok. Your safe see?"

Your breathing started to slow.

"Not going to hurt cha' see? I'm being real gentle."

Your grip onto his shoulders laxed as your breathing returned to normal.

You took a lot of steps back and hung your head low.

"I'm sorry. For-"

Raph held his hand up to silence you.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jus' barged in here and started to yell at ya'. I was just..worried. why didn't you tell me ya got panic attacks?"

You sigh.

"They don't come often, the subject never really came up, and.."

Raph raised an eyebrow, or, lack thereof.

"I didn't want to look weak to you..."

Raph's gaze softened.

"Don gets panic attacks to, your not weak for them, it's completely out of your control. You just can't deal with some situations, big deal."

You smiled weakly.

"I'll text you guys next time, I ment to today"

"Why didn't you?"

You went silent.

"Just busy."

"Busy crying? I'm not stupid Y/N I saw your eyes before you had the panic attack..ugh! But I was to damn angry to process it..and you suffered."

He looked down glaring at the floor.

"Yes I was crying"

"Do you want to talk about it? I don't know what to say in this kinda situation April told me to ask you that though."

You blinked. You doubt he would sit down and actually listen but..you needed to vent.

"Will you listen?"

"Of course dipshit I wouldn't ask if I wasnt up for it. Plus you listen to me bitch all the time."

you felt so uncomfortable talking to raph if all people about your feelings but surprisingly he was a good listener and promised to bring those who crossed you pain, which made you chuckle.

You hugged raph abruptly.

"Thanks raph.."

He slowly returned the hug.


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