!2012! Mikey x reader (13+)

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Mikey was playing video games out in the living room couch at the lair you where beside him mindlessly scrolling on your phone.

A notification popped up, your friend had texted you and you spent a bit just chatting with them.

They sent you a TikTok if an attractive guy pinning the camera down, you let out an involuntary gasp.

"What's up babe?"

Mikey asks turing to look at you.

You guys had a strong bond, and no reason to lie to each other. You belonged to him and he belongs to you, nothing could drive that apart. so you showed him the TikTok in good faith.

He watches it and looks at you again.

"Are you really into that anglecakes?"

You giggle loudly and gently push him.

"No of course not! It took me by surprise."

He laughs in return.

"I'm glad, I would never do..whatever that was."

"Oh I know" you reply.

"What does that mean?"

He says in mock offence.

"Your not the type to be that dominant is all"

"I could if I wanted to."

He said defensively.

"Uh huh. Your to sweet for that."

"Wanna bet?"

he said raising an eyebrow ridge looking at you. You felt your heart flutter and stomach drop. He was bluffing, he had to be!

"5 bucks says ya can't"

You said. The feeling washed over you quickly, this was MIKEY we're talking about lt here! But...

You were nervous. Would your happy go lucky boyfriend try and top you? I mean, he already did but like dominate you? You didn't know but the chance exited you.

Mikey smirked and placed the video game controller beside him, turning his body to you.

"You seem tense anglecakes, are you nervous?"

He leans closer to you, wrapping his hand to your back pressing you against him. He put his finger and thumb under your chin to lift your face up to his. You gasp a little.


"Your so red babe"

"Ok ok you win! Haha I'm sorry baby"

"Oh no your not getting off that easy, i gotta earn the five dollars"

He grabs your ass under the thigh and hoists you up into his lap. You suck in a breath and look at him in shock, blushing intensely. He had never acted this way..it was hot seeing your chill boyfriend act this way.

He bends down and kisses your neck sending shivers down your spine. He kisses up your neck more and moving along your jaw.

"M-ikey I think you made your point.."

"Hm~ not yet.."

He mumbles into your skin giving you goosebumps from the hot air.

He pulls your chin in and kisses you passionately. You melt into it. He moves his hand from under your thigh to the back of your head to deepen the kiss.

He sucks on your bottom lip. You open your mouth, allowing entrance. He slips his tongue into your mouth, exploring the inside. he's tongue and yours danced around fighting for domince.

You tilted your head, allowing easily access your mouth, you desperately kissed Mikey back. Not really thinking, letting your body guide you.

He began stroking your curves, earning shivers. He broke the kiss then He grabbed your wrists and pinned you down to the couch to where he was over you, kneeling at your sides.

He leaned down onto his elbows, super close to your neck before pulling away.

"You owe me five dollars anglecakes"

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