!rise! donnie x reader |mom friend|

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A few months ago, while hanging out with April you meet the turtles. They where badly hurt and needed help, sence they were april's friends you helped them without hesitation.

You admit you took a likeing to Donatello, he fascinated you. He also seemed to take an interest to you, mainly because you were unfazed with the existence of yokai and mutants.

While coming home from school you reserved a text from April.

Yooo wanna hang out 2nite?

Sure, I'll be there in 30. Do you want some sweets I made yesterday?

Uh YES. ;P

Lol alright.

You put your phone up, arriving at your apartment. Quickly packing a bag you put done brownies in a container and left for April's house.

Arriving, you were greeted with April's mom.

"Hello Y/n, how are you?"

"I'm doing good Mrs. O'Neil how are you?"

She chuckled.

"Y/n, you practically live here, please call me (I have no clue what her name is)"

You nodded and walked inside, setting the brownies on the counter of the kitchen before going into Aprils room.

You paused from the doorway, hereing arguing.

It sounded like April and Donnie, what where they fighting about.

You busted in quickly.

"Enough you two! What is this about?"

Donnie looked irritated and was sitting on the windowsill.

April was sitting on her bed glaring daggers at Donnie.

She turned to you.

"Donnie is hurt! He didn't even tell his brothers and he just thinks he can break in an take supplies without anyone helping!"

Your gaze softened to Donnie who looked embarrassed and mad.

"Everythings fine I said! I hurt my shell I can fix it myself!"

You walked to him and looked at him concerned.


"I'm. Fine."

Slightly annoyed you picked him up and set him on the bed next to April. He was to stunned to say anything.

"Donnie. Show me."

You crossed your arms standing over him.

He furrowed his drawn on eyebrows. Before he could say anything you spoke up first.

"We want to help you Donnie, we can't do that unless you learn to depend on other people. It won't kill you I promise."

"Sigh, your not going to take no for an answer will you?"


He frowned and took off his battle shell, he had a cut running across his shell, along with a few other scrapes.
You let out a soft sigh and picked up some wound disinfectant and bandages.

"What are you doing?"

"Fixing you up"

"Hey- wait! You just wanted to look!"

"Donnie, quiet down please."

He pouted but went silent. April's jaw droped. How in the hell did you just-

"I'm going to clean the cut, this will hurt ok?"

You said soothingly. He nodded and jerked up when the cleaner hit the cut.

"Great Galileo that hurts!"

"I know, I know. Please relax, your going to open the wound more."

He sank back down grimacing. April was still stunned, he wouldn't even come near her but you were actually cleaning the cut. She decided that it would best if she just sat silently.

You cleaned up the wound and put bandages on, then you put moleskin padding on top so wearing the battle shell won't hurt him. The cut didn't need stitches so he would be fine in a few weeks.

You rubbed the undamaged part of shell soothingly, he leaned back against your hand instinctively but jerked away when he realized what was happening.

"Are you done?"

"Yes don, I'm done. I'm so proud of you! You did so well Donnie..i hope you will come to me next time something like this happened instead to trying to fix it up yourself."

You couldn't see but his eyes shinned and he began smiling. A warm feeling spread through his body, making him forget about his shell for a little bit.
He put on his usual monotone face when he actually faced you though

"Its logical that you can dress the wounds better than me...sigh I guess I will."

April's jaw drops again, he was expecting help long term?! She was gonna talk to you after he left to get to the bottom of this.

After a quick check up, he leaves out of the window with you shouting warnings "don't over work yourself!" Ect.

After April pulls you aside.

"Girl we need to talk."

(( To be continued ))

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