!Dark! Mikey x Reader |blood and love| pt. 2

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Since The Incident you had barely left your apartment. Of course you called the police-- you were sane of course. But the police found nothing and you were left with more questions than answers.

You didn't feel safe-- and rightly so. The pair of eyes you felt on you each night seemed to follow you everywhere.

You called your work shortly after and told them what happened and put in your two week notice. Your boss was understanding and you felt a bit more at ease without that pressure on your chest.

But you still had tons of questions. What kind of sick phycopath killed that man and then left his head on your doorstep..and then left a note for you in his mouth?!

Thinking about it again made you want to throw up, and instilled that fear inside you again. You couldn't forget what happened...targeting you no less.

Weeks went by, nothing to note exept the feeling of being watched. You had begun to feel a bit safer-- just a bit. You had gone into therapy and it seemed like you were healing...

You sat alone on your bed, popcorn in a mixing bowl in your lap with a slasher movie playing in the background.

You weren't really paying attention, bundled up in a blanket to combat the December chill your sleezy apartment couldn't seem to stave off.

You were scrolling mindlessly on your phone when you heard a soft.  knocking. 

You pulled an ear bud out of your ear and paused. The slasher movie being the only sound until you heard it again.

You thought for a fleeting moment the sound was coming from your door, but upon further inspection of the source, it was your window.

You walked very slowly and very cautiously twords your window, pulling the blinds open.

You choked on a gasp-- though you weren't sure what you were expecting otherwise-- a bundled up figure was crouching on your balcony.

They were shaking badly, and they knocked again with you stareing at them. They had..some kind of kung fu gear or somthing. You were about to grab your phone when you heard a faint and desperate-


You cursed your people pleaser tenancy's and your big heart. You threw open the window and quickly ushered them inside, quickly grabbing your phone to call the authority's just in case.

They fell over onto their knees, you could hear their teeth chattering.

"T-thuh-this isn't h-ha-how I wanted to m-muh-meet you..but I c-cuh-could-couldnt last another m-minute out there."

Your head spun with the situations strangeness. You felt apprehensive at best about inviting a stranger into your home so close after the incident, and his strange statement put you on edge.

"What..do you mean by that?"

He looked at you under his  layered mask and chuckled at your puzzled and mistrusting expression.

But you soon forgot your questions as he peeled off the layers disgusting his face and breathed in deeply. As if he hadn't been able to breathe properly until now.

Your jaw dropped and you raised your hand to cover your mouth.

A turtle?! Man-? Thing?!

The turtle watched you closely, waiting for you to respond. Silence fell in your small bedroom. You understood what he meant by his comment on the weather, if you recalled correctly then turtles were cold-blooded.


He asked, a certain..edge on his voice. His eyes flashed with excitement, thrill. It sent shivers down your spine and goosebumps raised on your arms.

"What...what..uh...what were you doing outside?"

You figured that was the best question to ask for now, you had so many you had to ask the ones with priority.

His eyes narrowed at you, before he let out a shrill giggle.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it! It makes me so so very glad you arn't screaming and running away from me!"

Your eyes widened a little, your brain telling you that you were in big danger with him in your room.
But you shoved that thought down, you were sure he meant no harm. The cold must be making him disoriented and confused, and for obvious reasons he must not talk to a lot of people. 

"Yes, well..I don't likew judging people by how they look."

His smile broadened, but your mind made you think of a predator rather than a greatful man. His excitement seemed to grow as well as the color in his cheeks.

"I knew you would accept me for who I am! Donnie told me it was impossible."

He gave a shrill giggle again, and your gut suddenly lurched with fear. You didn't know what he was talking about, but you didn't want to find out. 8

"Uhm..great. since your all warmed up you can...leave."

You awkwardly gestured to the door and watched the warmth drain from his face. He looked at you with shock- and it seemed like he was hurt.

"You...you would make me go out there again..? After you saw how bad it was for me??"

His..tone, his body language..told you that you were in great danger.

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