!2012! donnie x male reader |bdsm|18+

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These both fit, might as well hit two birds with one stone.))

You had stopped by donnies lab on a quick visit from to the lair, figuring you could used a pick me up after a long day.

And nothing cheered you up better than your precious boyfriends flushed face and flustered words. You were going to tease him for a little, nothing much, but enough for you to get a kick.

Was it sadistic? Probably, but you knew he loved it to. You wouldn't tease him otherwise, and he assured you it was alright and even encouraged.

So you knocked on his lab door after setting your bag down with a sadistic smirk lingering on your lips. After a few moments of shuffling from the other side of the door, Donnie opens it for you.

"Oh hello y/n!"

His expression brightened when he saw you, holding the welding torch -you assumed he was using- tightly to his chest. Your smirk only grew wider, looking at him, excited to see you.

You stepped in, gently caressing his face and giving him a soft kiss on the lips. It wasn't all fun and games, you loved him. And you wanted to show it.

He blushed instantly but kissed you back like an excited puppy. You smiled. There was a hight difference, But that didn't change anything to the two of you. You broke the kiss and that sadistic grin spread across your face again, he must not have caught it because he continued to blush and smile while giving you big brown eyes filled with love.

It was different from other relationships..he seemed to be hopelessly and deeply in love with you. It was beautiful, he was beautiful. Oh how prettier he would be on his knees and crying for you.

That thought surprised you a little, and you felt your lower half start to buzz with want. He noticed your body behavior and how tightly your grip on his face had become and he gulped.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

You blinked back into reality, looking at him with a burning lust in your eyes.

"Of course..why wouldn't I be?"

Your voice was strained and a little heavy. He knew that look all too well and began to blush a dark red.

"Your looking at me funny.."

"Am i?"

Your eyes looked over his body greedily, taking in everyone one of his features is something you enjoy most. He was an art piece, and looked even more breath taking on his knees..

"You are."

You could sense he was uncomfortable so you took a step back before you did something he wasn't entirely okay with. You wondered how you would ask him such a question, whenever the two of you did something it was instigated by donnie himself..

He took your hands in his and looked deep into your eyes.

"Is everything okay?"

Of course he would still have your wellbeing in focus during something like this. It drove you crazy, how in the hell were you supposed to ruin a mood like this?

You simply nod, rubbing his knuckles with your thumb.

"I have a question."

You started. Might as well ask.


Nervousness creeped into his features, and you gained confidence slowly.

"If you don't want to, tell me. I won't make you do anything you aren't comfortable with."

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