!2012! Donnie x reader |noticed|

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You were sitting on the lairs 'couch' watching TV with raph and Leo.

Raph was heckling Leo about watching space heros and you giggled at the back and forth sass.

But eventually you got tried of it. You decided to pay donnie a visit in his lab, he always seemed happy to see you.

You peeked into the lab as the door was open. You saw Donnie working on the go-carts or sorry- patrol buggy's.

His tongue was stuck out of the corner of his mouth- something he did when really concentrated. You found it adorable, well, you found all of Donnie cute. How could you not?

You felt a familiar pang of sadness as you reminded yourself he only ate, slept and thought April. You had some hard feelings twords her for this, though your felt bad for doing so immediately.

You couldn't blame him, she was stunning, smart and capable. You..not so much. You were working on it though, you were training hard to not be a burden on the brothers.

"Heyyy Donnie!"

You said, masking cheerfulness.

"Huh-? Oh hey y/n"

He said, not taking his eyes off the carts.

"Whatcha doing?"

You said walking up and crouching beside him.

"Just working on the steerings connections to the axels for prime maneuverability."

"Sounds like work"

You said flatly.

He chuckled in response and shrugged.

"I guess, but it needs to be done."


You sat on your knees beside him watching him work. Honestly this was killing you, you sucked at small talk but you didn't have anything important to talk about.

Well you did but you wouldn't tell him your feelings even if your life depended on it.

He glanced at you, and opened his mouth to talk but closed it and went back to working.

You cocked your head, confused. But decided, like you, he just sucked at small talk.

Eventually he sighed and faced you.

"Why are you here?"

You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces. Of course he didn't want you breathing down his neck and being a nuisance. His patience with you had probably ran out, you tell yourself.

"I-i just like hanging out with you"

You fought off tears valiantly.

"Is there any other reason?"

He said hesitantly.

You thought about things you should remember, was it his birthday or something? No, you couldn't remember if today was important or not so you stayed silent.

He kept looking at the cart and back to you nervously.


You really hope he won't ask you what else.

"Why are you here?"

He repeated. You could turn this into a question back like you wanted to because that would raise suspicion. But you couldn't tell him the real reason, that would ruin the friendship.

Suddenly a lie hits you.

"Your really smart..if I hang out with you long enough maybe some of it will stick"

You chuckled, making sure he knew it was a joke.

He seemed so disappointed. It made you wonder, what did he want to hear?


You asked.

"O-oh just- wondering."

You nodded. Obviously not taking that as a real answer. You figured you could just turn the conversation to something he really enjoyed to make him happier.

"So..how's April?"


His voice broke and you saw tears well in his eyes. You went over to pull him into a hug automatically.

He hugged you back, tightly. Silently sobbing into your neck.

"Shhhh..its ok. What happened?"

"She- she's dating Casey."

"Awh...hun Im so sorry..if you need to talk more I'm always here ok?"

He nodded. You felt horrible but you secretly felt really glad that this was the case. You knew this wouldn't stop his crush but you hoped he maybe would..it's stupid but you hoped maybe this will allow him to see you.

He just nodded and after a few seconds he pulled away wiping his face with the back of his hand.


"Oh don't worry about it. I knew how much you liked her, this must be devastating."

He nodded. Looking at the screwdriver in his hands. He looked at you, extremely grateful for your support. Looking at you though, you seemed..you seemed like a angel honestly.

His mind wondered to the times where you held him while he cried, laughed with him, cheered him on when he was successful, comforted him when he lost. April never did that for him, why was he so obsessed with her?

She only talked to him if she wanted something, she never just- wanted to spend time with him. He finally realized that the whole thing was only ever going to be one-sided.

But you-, you were always there for him, what was so good about April again?

"Donnie, you good?"

"Oh y-yeah!"

He blurted out nervously. Where was this coming from? He was never nervous with you.

You cocked your head, confused. He felt his heart flutter, why was he just noticing a habit you had? It was adorable.

Wait adorable? He wasn't- was he?

"Just thinking"

He replied.

You scoot closer, patting his hand.

"I'm sure she'll realize how amazing and smart and stunning you are. Just give her some time. If she doesn't she's blind."

You reassured.

His face heats up and he just nods. You think his stunning? Amazing? Smart? He felt giddy. Somehow he felt this crush would be better somehow.

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