!rise raph! x reader |cuddles|

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You came by the lair after a long day. You were tired, drained and aching.
Plopping yourself on the couch you sighed loudly.

"You ok y/n?"

Mikey asks, walking by.


"Are you sure?"

He now sounds concerned.

"I'm alright Mikey I just need a nap."

You say tiredly. Mikey nods, walking out of the room.


You think to yourself

A nap sound pretty good..

You curl up on the couch, already feeling yourself drift off.


You hear an all to familiar voice ask, concerned.

"Oh hey raph"

You say, nervously.

You didn't want him seeing you lie this, it was embarrassing. You thought you looked awful and tired.

He sat down beside you, eyes filled with worry.

"Are ya ok y/n?"

You nod and sit up, streching.

"Yeah- just tired."

He kept on looking at you, the aura of worry practically wrapping him up like a blanket. You smile to yourself, he was so worryed about you.

I must look like shit

You think, sleepily.

"Earth to y/n!-"


Your pulled from your thoughts jerking awake.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?"

He repeated. 

You thought about it and scooted closer to him.

"If you want me to.."

"Of course I do! I hate seeing ya like this y/n"

Your heart fluttered And your stomach was assaulted by butterflies.

"Awe raph, your such a sweetheart."

Raph blushed bashfully, his aura shifting to an embarrassed one.

It was cute to see him flustered like this, you ft bad for ruining the mood.

You told him about your day, what drained you or made you sad. What frustrated you or made your day troublesome.

Raph listened, hand resting on yours for comfort. When you were done he wrapped you up in a big hug, holding you close.

You were surprised but you hugged back. You two sat like that for a bit, until you felt him pull away. Your face was red as you mumbled something into his chest.

"Can we please stay like this?"

He turned red once more and held you close again.

"Of course y/n"

He whispered.

Despite your best efforts, you fell asleep in his arms. The big warm big made you feel safe and relaxed.

He smiled at you crookedly, taking it as a big compliment you felt safe enough to fall asleep in his arms.

He looked at you, breath taken. You looked stunning, even asleep. He felt his heart swell at being able to hold you close like this.

"Heya raph~"

Leo said, walking into the living room smirking.

"Leo, be quiet. Y/n's alseep"

Raph said, annoyed the mood was ruined.

"I could smell your 'in-love' stink from the kitchen."

"Wha- I don't have an 'in-love' stink!"

"Is it because y/n's all in your arms, sweet'n'cuddly?"

"Leo. Stop."

"Hey, I'm just saying- they don't do that to just anyone"

Raph- as annoyed as he was with Leo's interruption- admitted he had to point.

You chose him to comfort you, you could have chosen anyone and you chose him.

But he didn't want to seem like he was taking advantage of you while you were vulnerable, and he didnt want to get his hopes up either.

"We're just friends."

Raph said, a little sad.

"Not for long~"

Leo said as he sashéd away.

Raph just frowned. You shifted in your sleep, mumbling something. Turning his attention to you.


He smiled and continued to hold you.

I don't need to worry about this right now, the only thing that matters for now is making sure y/n gets enough sleep.

He thought, that crooked smile returning. In your sleep you snuggled into him, very clearly saying:


Raph froze, his face almost matching his mask.

What do I do?!

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