!2012! mikey x reader |panic attack|

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Mikey knew you were prone to anxiety attacks, though, he'd never been around you while you had one

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Mikey knew you were prone to anxiety attacks, though, he'd never been around you while you had one. On that he was totally unprepared. Though, he always made sure you were comfortable in case something he did or showed you triggered you.

You found it cute, how careful he was with you. But even then, there are times when no one can prevent anxiety from attacking. It doesn't need a trigger, and the only thing you can really do by yourself is wait out the storm.

One of those times happend when you were hanging out with him in his room. Everything was a going well until you felt your heart rate increase and tbump in your throat. It felt like you were going to puke out your heart, and you stopped laughing almost immediately.

Mikey turned to you, the laughter draining from it.



You breathe, eyes Unconsciously widening.

"Are you okay,? What's wrong?"

He turned to face you fully, looking you over trying to see the the problem. You only manage to shake your head and hold onto your arms tightly.


You choke on a panicked gasp and he started looking around his room frantically.

"Did you bring your anxiety meds?"

You shook your head no and it was mikeys turn to start panicking. He slapped his face to ready himself.

"Get it together mikey!"

He shouted at himself. He looked over at you and when to hug you but froze when he remembered something.

"Is it okay to hug you?"

You didn't know yourself. You could be claustrophobic, or this is what you needed right now. You decided to put faith in your boyfriends hug and you slowly nodded, choking on a sob. He quickly scooped you up in a big hug. Not letting go.

You looked around still, your vision tunneling.

Oh no oh no

You thought over and over again, that was all that usually really could do. But mikey kept you grounded while panic coursed through your system. He pet your hair and rocked you gently, whispering affirmations to you.

It was a action of love.

Having you in his arms, doing his damnedest to help you in anyway he can. You could even tell in your panicked state that he was scared to. He didn't know what was really happening or how to help you but he tried his best. Holding into you fir dear life as you eventually began to calm down a little, still shaking like a leaf.

Mikey doesn't stop your care, keeping up the hair petting and kind words as you feel your body loosen more and more. You quickly wrap him up in a hug as the last waves of panic flushed out if your system. He looked so worried and dried up your tears with his bandage.

"Baby cakes? Are you alright now?"

You can only nod, crying into his shoulder.

"Oh..is it quiet time?"

You nod again and he stays quiet, rocking you side to side and partying your back as they panic and fear left you exhausted. You eventually ended up sleeping on his shoulder, and he smiled softly as he rocked you still.

"I hope your okay..."

He whispered softly.

"I love you."

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