!2012! Raph x reader |softie|

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(Ask and ye shall receive, mini authors note, literally all the requests beyond this point are smut so be prepared)

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(Ask and ye shall receive, mini authors note, literally all the requests beyond this point are smut so be prepared)

After a long day at work you come to the lair, work has been stretching your time thin. That means less time with your boyfriend, and you could just tell through text it was annoying him.

You hadn't told him you were coming, you wanted it to be a pleasant surprise. As you set your bag down with a tried sigh, a flash of orange tackles you.



You hiss covering his mouth. Poor Mikey stares up at you confused. You pet his head and smile.

"I'm surprising raph mikester."

Mikey nods and you move your hand away.

"Oh dude I missed you!"

Mikey exclaims, hugging you tight.

"Why did you leave us?"

"I didn't leave you, I have long work shifts."

He groans.

"I don't understand why you would ever want to work. I don't work and I live like a king."

You look around the messy lair, pizza boxes and general trash litter the ground. Not to mention the smell. But as unflattering as it was, it was home.

"Uh huh. Anyways gave you seen him?"

"Yeah, he's in the dojo."

You nod in agreement and Mikey let's you go. You give him one final pat on the head before getting up and heading to the dojo. Once there, you can't find him.

You look around, calling his name but he wasn't there. You shrug, a little worried and head to his room. You knock on his door and before you can even announce yourself raph yells through the door.

"Leave me alone! God, can't a turtle get some peace around here?!"

You cross your arms and speak back.

"First of all, rude. Second of all I-"

The door swings open are your met with big green eyes.


You smile before your scooped up into a bear hug. Raph places a kiss to your forehead, smiling wildly.

"Wow did I miss you, what are you doing here? I thought you had work."

You giggle a little.

"Nice to see you too, raph. Today was my day off, figured you could used the company."

Raph smiles and set you down. Nodding a little.

"Missed you."

"I could tell."

He rolls his eyes and the two of you head to his room. While there you flip onto his bed. It was uncomfy and it squeaked with every movement, but it smelled like him.

He sits beside you, rubbing your back.  And you let out a groan.

"Are you alright?"

"Awe, raph are you worried?"

"Don't make fun of me. Yes I'm worried.."

You feel bad and you sit up, capturing his lips in yours.

"I'm okay raph, just miss you."

He nods, smiling wider. He grabs your waist, pulling you into his lap and resting his head in the crook of your neck. You learn your head on his and let him hold you for a little.

"Can you..rub my shell?'

He mumbles, embarrassed. You nod and run your hands up and down his shell. He relaxed into your touch with a satisfied sigh.

"I missed this.."

"Me too... hey, remember when we first met?"

Raph groans, looking up at you with a grimace.

"I thought you let that go"

"I did."

You shrug

"It's still funny, you were such a dickhead."

"Yeah yeah, I know. You remind me every week."

He's says, irritation creeping into his voice.

"But I won you over in the end I would say"

Raph just nods, holding you close.

"How long can we stay like this?"

"About and hour and a half before Mikey tells someone I'm here"

"I'll take it"

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