!2012! Leo x reader |self harm|

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(( as you can tell from the title, this chapter contains SH, thank you @S885760 for requesting this chapter sorry it took so long, I had made the chapter but Wattpad crashed and it was lost. I want y'all to know that if your not doing to good you can message me, I'll be there.))

Leo paced around his room nervously, you haven't texted or called him back at all these past few days.

Now, he knew you were busy but- it had been days he was extremely worried about you.

Dating a ninja had it's pros and cons, one of the cons being targeted by his enemies for bait or for negotiation. His heart raced thinking of all the bad things that could have happened to you.

I'll go check on them, they won't mind..just to be sure.

He took his gear and swords and headed out of the lair and to your apartment, he scaled the building and dropped to your balcony. He knocked softly in the glass of your window. 

You didn't answer.

He felt his heart drop and his blood ran cold.

He tapped on the glass again, this time more loud and frantic.

Your tired yet beautiful face appeared in the window, moving the curtains away. You looked surprised to see him, opening up the window curious.


You where engulfed into a warm, firm yet gentle hug. Leo buried his face into the crook of your neck.

"God y/n you scared me"

He mumbled into your skin. It sent shivers down your spine, Leo had that effect on you.

"Sorry Leo"

You said, monotone. You didnt have enough energy to pretend to be cheerful. You had cried all your tears that you had left. You felt empty. But Leo- he was starting to fill that void.

"Angel what's wrong?"

Leo asked, voiced laced with concern.
You loved that nickname, it made you feel special even when you didn't believe you were. You wondered why he was here.

"Nothing, just tired"

You responded, weakly smiling. His brow furrowed, searching your face. You were worried he didn't believe you but you picked up without a word.

"Gah!- Leo?!'

"You said your tired, and I miss you so-"

He plopped the two of you in the bed, encircling his arms around you and holding you close.

"I'm going to cuddle you to sleep"

He smiled warmly and you, making your heart melt. This cutey. You laid your head against him, feeling yourself relax.

You weren't entirely lieing when you said you were tired, you hadn't slept in days. Feeling tired but your body wouldn't shut off.

You felt yourself drift off. Only feeling safe enough to go to sleep in his arms. Leo stroked your hair and rubbed circles on your back comfortingly. You where almost fully asleep, feeling the lost nights of sleep catch up with you.

He smiled, finding you adorable while sleeping. He continued to stroke your hair, just enjoying being in your embrace once again.

Poor thing, I wonder why they haven't been sleeping.

Leo thought to himself. He decided to show you some sleep inducing meditations he knew, they helped him. He was worried though, why hadn't you called or texted back?

The sound of your snores drew his attention back to you.

God they are stunning

He brought your hand up to his mouth to kiss it- feeling romantic.
However, when his lips left your skin, your hoodie sleeve dropped and he felt his blood run cold.


Waking up, your not cuddled up with Leo. You stretch and pop your back. You notice your hoodie sleeves rolled up to your elbows.


you quickly draw them back down. Painfully noticeing Leo at the edge of the bed, elbows on his knees. He looked lost in thought but he turned to look at you.

You were scared, was he mad?

Seeing he's full face, he's eyes and snout were blotchy. His mask was damp from where he had been crying.

You felt your heart shatter, did you make him cry? Was..did it distress him so bad he was crying?


His voice broke. Tears beginning to spill out again. You crawled to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.


"Did I do something? Did I make you-?"

He chokes on a sob, the sight amazed you. He almost never cried, why was he now?

"No! No Leo this wasn't you-"

A wave of guilt washed over you, if you'd have know he would have found out- and react like this- you wouldn't have done it.

You felt bad, and stupid. You couldn't handle stress and depressing thoughts? You had to go and-

You were mentally kicking yourself over and over. Feeling horrible and tired once more. You had made him cry, and he does so much for you and you went and made him cry?

You were pulled from your thoughts from Leo taking your hands in his.

"Baby tell me what's wrong, please"

He begged.

"I-i want to help you, my angel. I'm so sorry for making you feel like you couldn't talk to me, im such a horrible boyfriend-"

You cut him off, bewildered he was blaming himself.

"Leo! Your the most amazing, caring, and sweet boyfriend I could ask for. I really don't deserve you.."

He wrapped you in a tight hug.

"Don't say that. Please God- don't say that"

You patted his shell, hugging back. He wasn't mad, in fact, he blamed himself. You didnt expect this reaction and it frightened you. You had made him feel like he wasn't enough and the guilt was eating you up.

"Please tell me.."

He whispered into your hoodie. He was so vulnerable when it came to you, you had never seen him act like this. 

You sat down with him and told him your troubles. He sat there, listening intently. You started to cry, to which he responded with a tight hug.

"Angel, next time please just call me."

Leo whispers stroking your hair.

"Ok Leo."

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