Turtles x kunoichi reader

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"Uh..roof hopping?"

You stare at him, trying your best to not let the present annyonce show. Of course, your face remained blank as you stared at him for a few moments. It was literally in its name, what was not to understand?

Patience is a virtue

The familiar words rang out in your mind, another lesson you had been taught throughout your younger years. You took a breath in.

"Roof hopping his where we run, roof to roof over the city."

"Oooohohoho. Yeah, that sounds super cool!"

"Then what are we waiting for?"

You replied, a tight smile dancing on your features. He got up, as did you.

"Maybe then you could.."

You were about to press on, to ask once more where they were keeping Hamato Yoshi, but quickly thought against it. You needed to be collected and smooth about this.

"-tell me why you were crying."

His jaw drops at you, and he coveted his face with his big hands.

"How did you know I was crying?!"

You pursed your lips into another tight smile.

"Lucky guess."

In truth, that was obviously not the case. Once he first showed up on your balcony you had made that observation. But he didn't need to know how easily you were able to read him. It is best to conceil your true strength, even in the presence of allys.

You never know when they will turn enemy.

You stood up, brushing yourself off of any litter and scaled the roof with ease. He tried to copy you, failing and making a lot of noise by hitting against the wall and the air-ducts attached to it. Once be got up there he mimked your stance.

For once you shared a gentle laugh, making Mikey feel funny in his stomach. You smiled at him, but this time it was different. It was gentle and soft. His heart thumped quickly in his chest. What was this feeling?

"You are funny Michelangelo. Let us see if you are fast to."

You winked at him, breaking put into a sprint across the roof. Last minute you jumped, soaring in the air and rolling onto a nearby roof.

Mikey ran after you and did the same. Smilimg goofly up at you. You smiled your tight smile again and began to run once more.

You hopped, roof to roof, showing amazing stamina for a human. Though Mikey wasn't really paying attention to that.

He was paying attention to the look of genuine joy on your features, and the way the moon shone on your hair, the way you seemed to linger so he could catch up.

It made him feel funny, a fuzzy tingle all up inside. You turned to him, a bright smile and a youthful look in your eye.

"Are you coming or not Michelangelo?"

He really didn't like his full name. But if you said it? It made him very happy. This was very weird and new for him, and he loved it thoroughly.


He saw a clock mounted on the wall of a random shop.

"What is wrong?"

That is another thing he loved about you, the way you talked was so entrancing.

"I gotta get home!"

You hesitated. This could be your chance. But, you didn't move to ask to join him. Not yet. The time wasn't right. You nodded, smiling tightly.

"Goodbye Michelangelo..we will meet again."

He nodded, hopping down and disappearing.


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