!2012! raph x 'shy' reader.

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One thing raph liked about you is how quiet you were. It was a nice change to his home life, sure he was most of the cause of noise, but his brothers yelled back.

You, however, would just listen to him while he yelled or vented. It was nice, you never argued with him or talked back, you were just there for him.

He would often stop by your apartment, mostly after bad arguments with Leo, and just talk with you for hours. You were quiet but you would also talk to him.

He admitted to himself he was starting to get some feelings for you. It was frustrating, he new he wasnt good enough for you but.. he liked you.

On day on his way to your apartment, (he just wanted to see you) while he was hopping rooftop to rooftop he spotted purple dragons cornering a human.

Upon further inspection, that's his human- you.

Before he could hop down and save you, he witnessed something that made his head spin.

You quickly punched the first guy in the face and side kicked him to the ground. He hopped closer to see if you needed help.

"Ugly mother fucker!"

You shouted, stomping on him.

His jaw dropped. You cussed and you were fighting! God damn, you were good to, how come he hasn't seen this side of you before?

The other guy came running and you stuck out your elbow, allowing him to jab himself with it. You laughed.

"Dumb ass bitch! Your getting your ass kicked by a fucking high schooler!"

Wow, you had a foul mouth. He found him self smiling, who knew you beating the shit out of some thugs could be so sexy?

You were smiling evilly as the last guy dropped. You smirked and wiped your face with your hand.

"Punk ass bitch. Pick on someone your own size, toothpick."

Raph came out of the shadows slow clapping.

"I don't know, I think I like you ticked off and angry y/n"

You froze and turned around slowly, facing him.

"Oh..hey raph"

You said, nervously.

"How..much if that did you see?"

"Enough to see that foul mouth of yours. Who knew shy quiet y/n could cuss like a sailor? And you can fight to, your just full of surprises"

"You weren't supposed to see that."

You mumbled.

"And why not? It's hot."

His eyes widened when the words left his mouth and he kicked himself mentally. You IDOIT what will y/n think?! Oh god...

You didn't know how to respond to that, only smirking in response.

"Well to bad because I'm never acting like this again"

You sashéd away, leaving a very disappointed raph in your wake.

"Hey wait now-"

"Nope! Never again!"

You heard raph groan behind you, it made you smile.

"But whyyyy"

He whined.

"Your rubbing off on me big red, I was so sweet and quiet, I can't be acting like this."

"Why not?"


"Oh don't give me that bull shit answer-"

Raph growled, now behind you.

"Because I don't- well- UGH because people won't like me! There. Now you know I'm an attention seeking whore."

"Woah dude- don't say that about yourself! Where's this coming from?"

"It doesn't matter, now you know I act like you so..I understand why you want to stop being friends"

"I never said that!"

He yells, throwing his hands up in the air. He brings them back down and pulls you against himself.

"I think it's hot."

You blushed a bright red before glareing at him and pulling his mask over his eyes.

"Well no one else does."

"Do they matter?"

Raph says, pulling his mask back into place, grumbling.

You stopped in your tracks. Thinking about it.

He's right...why do I care what they think?

"Wow, I didnt know you had it in you raph, your right."

"Ok, this makin' fun of me ain't to hot"

You giggled and continued to walk.

"Does that matter?"

Raph stays silent. To silent, you turn around and he's gone. You twirl around, looking for him.


"Big talk-"

You screamed and punched him in the face as reflex. He had appeared out of nowhere, scaring you.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"


He says holding his snout. You tentatively come close, trying to see the damage. You gingerly move his hands out of the way, it was fine but a little red.

"I'm so sorry raph-"

"It's fine."

He says, gruffly.

"Damn y/n, your just full of surprises today. That hurt like a son of a-"

"Heh heh.. I guess I try to be interesting. Let's go to my place before I hurt someone else."

"I don't know, if your gonna be beating on me-"

"Does It still hurt?"

"You punched me in the face yeah it-"

You got onto your tip toes and kissed his snout.

"There, mommy gave it a kiss to make it feel better, are you coming or not?"

Raph sputtered, looking bewildered.


"Good, I have some left over pizza we can heat up."


Is it possible to be more in love with this human?

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