!rise raph! x FEMreader |18+|

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Thank you @MMIsNotHere
For this request.

Raph wasn't the type to get jealous easily.

He was a gentle giant, he looked intimidating but he was really such a sweet turtle. But..when it came to you? His emotions were all wack. He got mad easily when it came to you, the thought of someone hurting you drove him absolutely up the walls.

He was super protective over you, as was in his nature. So when he saw guys making you uncomfortable, he would immediately step in.

He wasn't even that jealous. He trusted you, and knew that you would never take one of those low lifes over him. He would just be mildly annoyed at worst.

But when he saw you all smiles and giggly around his brothers?

Green hot envy would flare up in his chest, and it would take a lot to hold himself back. He would sit behind and softly growl to himself until it was over or until he stormed off back to the sparing room or his bedroom.

Today, you had given Leo your undivided attention it seemed. Sure, you gave raph your usual kiss on the cheek and greeting, bit soon after you were giggling and joking around with Leo.

At first, raph really didn't mind. But it had been awhile at this point and you hadn't come over to him once. He didn't like that. Not one bit.

You two had established that you could go to  one another if you were feeling a particular need and raph certainly was. He was frustrated in more was in one and the savage part of his brain wanted to slam you into the bed and show you who you belonged to.

He walked up behind you, snaking his big hands around your waist lovingly.

"Eek! Oh, hey baby!"

You smiled up at him brightly.

Oh he was going to ravage you.

"Hey..can we somewhere private?"

His eyes were half lidded and he had begun to stroke your hips. You shiver and give a quick nod.

"Yeah..see you in a sec Leo!"

Leo quirked an eyebrow, crossing his arms at the two of you skeptically before shrugging and going back to doing his own thing.

Raph picked you up easily making you peep again in suprise, and started to carry you to his room. You held on, eyeing him nervously. You weren't completely sure exactly what he wanted but your mind was in the gutter about it. You had no idea what was coming your way.

Raph set you down, standing over you with his big hands in your hips with slightly heavier than normal breathing. You looked up to him, face a light pink and a confused smile.

"Raph what's wrong?"

He growled softly, you didn't even know what you had been doing.

"I need you."

He said bluntly, and very uncharacteristically. He was so sweet when he asked usually, but now? It seemed like he was demanding it. You shivered and nodded you swallowed nervously, about half your brain buzzed with scared excitement though.

He almost groaned out loud when he saw you nod, gently placing you on the bed and trying to cool off, he didn't want to hurt you, as it was very easy to do. He begun to kiss your neck softly and feel up your chest, you mumbled softly against his touch, your legs shifting up and down.

He hooked your pants with his hands, sliding them off. You lifted your hips up to help him, and they slid off easily. His hand grabbed your bare thigh, groping the soft inner side of it.

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