!2012! Leon x ^chubby^ reader |perfect imperfections|

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You mushed your face into your pillow, wanting to cry.

Of course you knew you didn't stand a chance with Leo, he's was just so...great. But when you saw his type after a fight with Karai..it hit you with a painful reality.

She looked so good..even fighting..she was thin, and fit. Not to mention her eyeliner game but all else to shame.

You buried your face in deeper. You don't know why you were this sad, you knew from the start that this crush was a bad idea..but you can't help it.

You loved him. But the painful realization that he will never actually love you back was devastating.

If only you where prettier, thinner, stronger.

You could hear a soft tapping on the glass window of your room and your heart dropped. It was Leo, you could tell because he had a certain knocking pattern- you hated the fact you paid such close attention.

You got up, trying to fight off tears.

You opened the window and you were met by two, very worried, sapphire eyes.

"Y/n! Are you ok?"

You nod, trying to smile.

"Of course. why wouldn't I be?"

Your voice cracked and your lip trimbled a little.

"Y/n..Karai almost killed you. It's ok to not be ok, I know you must be scared-"

You realized that you were so busy staring at her that she did almost kills you.

"Oh. That. Uh- yeah no I'm fine, trust me."

You say rubbing your face.

"So theirs something else..."

Your lip trimbled again as you felt tears prick at your eyes.

"Um- no I'm fine-"

Tears spilled out of your eyes and you tried to wipe them away quickly. He sighs and steps into your room, standing in front of you.

"Y/n..your obviously not fine. It's okay, you can tell me."

You look up to see his soft, reassuring smile. You didn't want to tell him you were this upset about your body type, he would probably tell you somthing like: 'meditate on your self confidence' or 'you look fine to me'

You look to the side and sigh, wiping your nose and sniffling.

"It's really nothing. I'm just...well..I'm getting worked up over something stupid."

"Well if it's bothering you, it's not stupid to me."

He shoots you another comforting smile. It made you want to shout at him, yell at him for playing with your feelings. 

"I just- argh. I hate myself! I hate- I hate the way I look or- or how I can't fight or the way my stomach pokes out when I'm wearing tight shirts or-"

Leo stops you with a hug, he wraps his arm around you, and with the other he holds your head. Kissing the top of it.

"Y/n..why can't you see?"

Your emotions jumble up and you hiccup with your face red.

He looks you dead in the eyes, meaning every word he says.

"You are perfect. In ever sence of the word. You drive me absolutely crazy, you can fight you are still here because you can. The shape of your body I could care less about, if anything, it makes hugs more enjoyable. You are so perfect y/n. I can't believe you hate yourself!"

You try and stutter a reply but are interrupted.

"I wish you could see yourself how I see you...then you would know what true heaven looks like."

You giggle despite yourself, and try and push him away. He chuckles to.

"What? too cheesy?"

"You make self confidence sound like a love poem"

You say bashfully. He purses his lips and takes your hand into his.

"That's..my intention.... I love you y/n."

Your jaw drops. Well this wasn't what you were expecting at all.


"You don't have to respond, or reciprocate. I just-"

"I love you to! I mean it Leo."

He smiles and pulls you in for another hug.

"I was about to throw myself out of the window"

He says, chuckling nervously.

You smile, hugging back.

"No need."

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