!Bayverse! Leo x fem reader (18+)

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Thank you to whoever requested this ages ago for requesting this chapter

Leo was an amazing boyfriend, He made sure of that for you. keeping himself in check, asking you if he was doing a good job, memorizing your boundaries to the 'T', ect. Ect.

You were his first human girlfriend, his first girlfriend ever really. So you tried your best to show him what a good girlfriend felt like.

The day your relationship changed forever was a rather average one. Which was a little weird, considering your boyfriend and just generally his life style you thought the day you would take his virginity would be something crazy.

The feminine tendency to wonder and fantasize how the first time would go down.

To put it bluntly, you were a horny fuck. Leo's body and physique were often on your mind and not in a pure way.

Don't get me wrong, you loved all of Leo, and you adored his body in a pure light too, but him being able to bench your weight easily was a very big plus. And his usually calm demeanor made you wild for some reason.

You never told Leo these dirty thoughts, not in a thousand years. Just the thought of making a joke like that around made you burn up in embarrassment.

Today you had thrown on some leggings and a T-shirt. Nothing revealing or scandalous, just something lazy.

You arrived at the lair, going through your ritual of hugging Mikey, pissing off raph and ripping on Donnie before kissing Leo hello and hugging him.

He informed you that they were planning out a mission, and you were free to watch and listen so long as you didn't interrupt too much. Raph groaned so you had to join now.

You sat in a chair nearby, watching your boyfriend..you know, lead.

His plan seemed really good, but you weren't paying to much attention to it, being on your phone and whatnot.

You didn't speak up unless to answer some questions about stores or something, staying true to your word and not being a bother.

Once it was raphs turn to present his idea of a plan for a mission, Leo sat down a distance away from you. You respected this, because he labels you a distraction when it came to things like this. You weren't sure how to take that, but just settled on taking it as a compliment.

That's when you caught him starting the first time. It was subtle, and you could have mistook it for coincidence, and you did, figuring he was looking around the room and not at you specifically.

Then you caught him again, looking at you briefly. You frowned as he looked away subtly and quickly. You figure you might have something on your leggings or shirt, looking down to check it. Nothing, but your ass did look hella good in them...

Oh my god, was Leo looking at you like that? Surely he wasn't. Your sweet, responsible boyfriend looking at you in such a way?

He totally would, and is. You were pretending not to notice, but my guy was staring.

You felt giddy, so you decided to mess with him, as a small punishment for oggling at you. You shifted your legs apart, subtly. If anyone where to look, it just looked like you were adjusting your legs.

But from Leo's angle, you had moved in such a way as to show your underwear. Which was blue.

Leo had a sort of territorial side he rarely showed you, and with him already looking this sent him over the edge. He kept moving in his seat, now shamelessly starting at you intensely.

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