!2012! Turtles x Alien reader

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"Your an alien-"

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"Your an alien-"

"That's been living with humans-"

"Since birth?!"

The four turtles oggled KO at you with their mouths hung open. They couldn't believe it, but here you were, in your non-human form. You felt yourself shrink back from them a little, not used to the dropped jaws and stunned silence.

You had always connected and sympathized with the turtles, you knew what it was like to not be able to truly fit in. Unlike your parents, you were raised in earth though.

You had a human form though, unlike  the turtles you could blend in. Not fully, but still. They were your closest friends, almost like family to you. At least, you viewed them that close.

You felt they had a right to know what you truly are.

So you sucked in a breath and waited for the shock to subside. Which-- was taking forever.

"Yes, I'm an alien, yes I've been raised here since birth. It's not that big of a deal,-"

"Not that big of a deal?!"

Donnie echoed, grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you.

"This is a huge deal!"

For a moment, one single, sicking moment, your heart plummeted. Did they think of you differently now? Were they mad at you for keeping this from them? Your anxiety sky rocketed until Donnie finished his sentence.

"This proves my theories! Do you know what your home plant is like? Do you speak different languages? Do you have a native language-?"

The questions were endless, mostly from Donnie, a few from Mikey and one from Leo.

"Why did you wait so long to tell us?"


You looked to the side, sighing a little.

"I didn't want any of you to think less or different of me..."

"I understand. I think we all do."

He gave you a crooked smile, to which you mustered a small smile in return. Mikey continued to pester you with your physical form, while Donnie was currently trying to meet your family.

You answered his questions happily, as much as you could anyway, and tried to not get offended by any questions asked from ignorance.

((Sorry it's so short, I have no fucking clue what else to put))

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