!rise! Mikey x reader |dominated|

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(( I sincerely apologize for this chapter- you'll know why. Thank you anonymous for requesting this chapter 💀 ))

You sat on your bed on your phone, just mindlessly passing the time until your boyfriend can come over.

When night has just begun to set on the city, you hear rhythmic tapping on your balcony window.

You knew it was him and called out.

"It's unlocked!"

You were exited, you haven't hung out, just the two of you, for awhile. You smiled brightly as the orange clad turtle stepped out of your window sill, blankets and snacks in hand.

"Heyyy babe, ready for movie night?"

He said, in a sing-song tone. You giggled and nodded, patting the empty space on your bed for him. He gladly obliged and flopped himself into your bed.

"So I got the blankets and the snacks, all ya need to to is turn the movie o and look cute. And by my observations....you already have half of that done."

"Your starting to sound like donnie"

You teased, face red. He looked playfully offended and scoffed. He crawled his way into your lap, resting his head between your legs and sighing.

"Your so mean to me"

He pouted.

You laughed and nodded.

"Uh-huh. That's why I'm letting you cuddle me and watch movies together. I'm so cruel."

Mikey nods in agreememt, eyes focusing on the movie. You slip your hands to cup his face and tilt his head up to look at you.

In a soft, yet seductive voice you whispered:

"Do you want me to show you mean?"

He shivers and swallows, starring into your eyes.

"Uh- ah- um-"

He stutters, blush creeping onto his face. You smile and take back your hands, watching the movie, leaving poor Mikey confused and flustered.

After a little bit you hear him whisper, so soft you almost couldn't hear it.


You look down confused, still not sure exactly what he said.



He says quickly, quickly looking at the movie. You snake your hands back under his chin, forcing him once more to look up at you.

"No, what did you say?"

Mikey's eyes darted around the room as he nervously swallowed. He took a deep breath and made eye contact with you.

"I said yes"

He said. You smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Good boy~ you know that don't you? Your such a good boy for me, thank you for speaking up."

Mikey had a love-drunk grin on his face from the praise as he giggled, the blush on his face darkening.

"Your welcome"

You smiled evilly as you kissed the tip of his snout and then his lips. He kissed back instantly, a neediness to it. You noted this and deepened the kiss, earning a shudder.

You slipped in your tounge, making him squeak. And you made out with him, stroking his neck and cheeks.

When you eventually pulled away, Miley let out and involuntary whine. You grinned and rubbed his cheek over with your thumb.

"Let's watch the movie."


"No buts."

"But baby just for a little while longer?"

You pretended to think before answering.


"But whyyy?"

He whined, flipping himself to face you upright.

"You said you wanted me to be mean-'

You say, grabbing his chin.

"So no more..for now..maybe I later. if you keep being a cutie I might not be able to help myself."

Mikey giggles and rests his hand on top of yours, eyes full of love and a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"..I think I like it when your like this"

He said through half-lidded eyes.

"Like what?"

You say teasingly.

"Taking charge.."

He says, rubbing his thumb over your  knuckles.

"I'll be sure to do it more often then~"

You say, bringing his face to yours for a kiss.

"Now let's watch this movie."

"Sounds good"

You both readjusted to where you both were cuddling, holding each other.

Mikey kissed the top of your head, making you giggle.

"I love you y/n"

Looking into his eyes you could tell he ment it. He looked at you with metaphorical hearts in his eyes, simply full of love.

"I love you to Mikey"

You say, with the same truthfulness. 

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