!rise Donnie! x male !artist! reader |capturing the moment.|

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Thank you @DonTron666
For this request.

"Oh guyyys~!"


Mikey called, running up to the human and hugging her tightly. She giggled and pat his head. Raph waved from the kitchen table and Leo walked up to the two.

"Whats up apes?"

"I've got big news!"

"Is it another job?"

Donnie asked, walking from his room. He wore a slightly unamused face but that was how he normally looked. He was happy to have her here, and she knew it. He was just really bad at showing it.


She frowned for a second before she reverted back to being uber excited.

"My cousin from Maine is coming to live with me!"


Mikey gasped.


Donnie made a face.

"Better than new jersey."

Leo shrugged. Donnie nodded in agreement to that. He looked back to April with mild curiosity.

"And I was thinkin-"

She started, sweating a little. Raphs face fell into a frown, crossing his arms.

"Well you guys don't get out much- no offense-"

"None taken."

"A little taken."

"Maybe you could meet him and get a new friend."

"Listen- april."

Leo said, wrapping his arm around his best friend. (Only friend.)

"He might be a great guy or whatever but- not all humans are accepting as you. Blood or not."

"Hes not like that though- swear!"

She whined.

"I want to meet him!"

Mikey said excitedly.

"Raph doesn't know.."

Raph started, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.


April begged, holding her hands together with big puppy dog eyes. Mikey joined her and with a shrug Leo did to. Raph sighed.


Donnie chose to remain indifferent.


That was some time ago, now, you were all moved in and set up. You went to the same school April did, hung out with her for the most part and shared the knowledge of secret existence of the turtles.

You got along great with everyone, but there was a certain turtle in purple you had grown extra attached to. You knew chances were that he definitely didn't feel the same, you didn't even know if he swung that way.

You had come out to your parents- and that ended up badly. But your aunt and cousin opened up to you, and loved you for who you were. The next step was coming out to your friends...They didn't care.

"You do you man"

Raph shrugged.


Mikey responded.

"Oh me to."

Leo blinked.


Donnie half mumbles, not really paying you any mind.

You frowned a little, rubbing the back of your head.

"You dont- you don't care? Like, at all?"

Donnie stopped his project making you stighten up with nerves. He looked at you with that indifferent stare of his.

"Why would I care who you chose to date or feel attraction to? It doesn't concern me, and frankly it's none of my business."

You nodded curtly, fidgeting with your fingers a little. You were glad he didn't like- hate you for it but were a little sad at his indifference. He always seemed to not care, no matter what you did.

Over time though, the two of you grew closer. You had tried to spend time with him, do him favors, and such as romantic advances but Donnie being- well, Donnie he didn't pick up on it and just assumed the two of you were close friends now.

Much to mikeys excitement you had revealed that you liked to draw, so you spent time either Mikey and Donnie the most.

Leo had started to flirt with you there for a little, but you made your attraction to his brother very clear to him and he stopped. Sometimes, when it seemed like your very slow progress with the softshell wasn't worth it you thought about texting Leo.

You thought about it, but never actually did it. You just weren't into him like you were into Donnie. And you didn't want to use your friend as a rebound or somthing to get over him with.

You were lost in thought in the lab drawing. It seemed all you could draw as of late was Donnie, he was just so pretty. Especially in the new lights he set up in his lab (courtesy of Draxum) you couldn't help it. There were sketches, filled colored drawings, watercolor pages, every one of them being beautiful.

You were in mid-sketch when you tuckered out. Donnie had eventually noticed the absence of the sound of a pencil scratching on paper and looked back over to you. You were asleep with your pencil still in your hands.

With a very soft smile he got up to tuck you into bed properly, somthing he did for you when you fell asleep in his lab. He noticed your familiar looking sketch but forced himself to look away, you having informed him the biggest no-no someone could do against an artist is look into the sketchbook without permission.

But he stole another glance after tucking you in. Scowling picking it up and looking at the page, it was him! Bent over and working. There were a few other doodles on the page of Donnie, all cutesy saying things like.

'Dont talk to me i angy'


'I have your IP address :3'

He snorted to himself, they were funny. He flipped to pages back and found more and more drawings of him. They were beautiful. The colors and the stylization where very pleasing to his eyes.

His breath caught in his throat though, once he saw a doodle of you and himself..cuddling and..kissing? It was labeled

'Keep dreaming..'

Donnie wasn't sure how to feel. This confirmed you had feelings for him..as of lately he had begun to wonder what it would mean if he had feelings for you.

He wasn't experienced in this kind of thing..



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