!rise! Leo x insomina reader

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It was very late at night, and you were still up

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It was very late at night, and you were still up. This wasn't uncommon, in fact, it was actually very common for you. Every few nights it seemed like you just couldn't go back to sleep.

Leo had known about your insomnia, I mean, its not exactly something to hide. His heart felt for you, he was kind of the same way. So tonight, while you were doom scrolling as usual, you got a notification that he was active.

You frowned, what was he doing? You texted him and scolded him for being up so late. He said the last mission was really hard and he couldn't sit still, he, to your annoyance, called you a hypocrite. You snorted and continued to text. Suddenly his activity turned off.

He stopped responding to your texts, and you figured he'd gone to bed. And you felt a little lonely. That's when there was a knock on your window. You scoff in disbelief. And throw yourself off of your bed and go to the window.

Sure enough, Leo was sitting on your window sill. He had dark circles under his eyes and he practically jumped when he saw your eyebags.

"Mi querida! Have you gotten literally any sleep?"


You grimace. He steps into your room and picks you up.

"Well I'm going to change that."


You yell, suprised at the sudden action. He body slams you onto the bed and you laugh in shock. He crawls on top of you, resting his head on your stomach. He looks up at you with big eyes.


"You didn't need to slam me down."

"Dramatic effect."

He shrugs, making you scoff and adjust yourself to where your comfortable. You pet his head gently as he purred into your stomach.

"Do you want to talk about your mission?"

He sighs tiredly.

"It was just long, like a full day long. We tried to bust a hiest and we just failed. I gave up a perfectly good pizza for that mission!"

You giggle at his antics, softly petting His head.

"Is that so?"

You chuckle, feeling your eyes droop with exhaustion. He rants about his day while you listen happily, the two of you cuddled up on your bed at an ungodly hour of the morning.

You start to accidently nod off, and when Leo notices he pulled the covers around you tighter and nuzzle into your stomach. He just talked, about anything and everything. About you, his brothers, himself. Anything that came to mind.

You jerked awake after nodding off again and Leo chuckles.

"As valiant this fight is, please don't fight sleep Mi querida."

You whine, hugging him close to him.

"Fight my ass."

You mumble, frowning. He laughs, crawling up to lay on your chest.

"As much as I'd like to take you up on that offer. Go. To. Bed."

You blow raspberry at him, crossing your arms and turning away from him on the bed.

"Awww are you mad mi flor?"

You didn't respond. He chuckled, and looked at your face. You had finally gone to sleep and he kissed your cheek. He returned to his place on your chest and drifted off himself with a smile on his face.

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