Turtles x Kunoichi reader

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((thank you Skyler for requesting this chapter))

You had been raised in Japan, brought into a warrior family keen on keeping the old ways. From a very young age you had been trained to be a kunoichi, a female ninja.

You had been taught to hunt and fight foot clan members, your clan- the wild blossom clan- had been alleys with the Hamoto clan.

But then news had come that they were killed off completely by the foot clan. Your family, being honor bound to avenge them had declared a war on the foot clan.

Your family had received news that not only were your remaining alleys of the hamoto clan are in America, so was the leader of the foot clan- The shredder.

Your family had chosen you and a few others to go to America, in new York to spy and eradicate the foot clan members hidden there, and if possible to save the Hamoto clan members.

You took the mission, valuing the fight your family had fought for years.

Arriving at America and finally settling into your apartment you geared up, foot clan activities running rampant in your area.

You geared up and scaled the apartment building, your clan symbol being worn bravely.

You hoped roof to roof, enjoying the challenge and exercise.

Eventually you spotted some in the alleyway near a noodle shop, and as you were about to hop down and take them on you saw-

Turtles? But they fought like warriors.
Wait, you recognized those katas, those were special only to the Hamotos.. this was weird.

After the foot soldiers were taken out, you hoped silently into the alleyway, wanting to question the strange ninjas.

The one dressed with a blue mask saw you emerge from the shadows first, readying his twin katanas instantly.

"Who are you?!"

The others turned, readying there weapons also. You smiled under your face covering.

"I could ask you the same thing"

You said slyly.

"Great another Karai"

The one dressed in red retorted.

Your demeanor changed to a deadly one.

"Don't compare me to that spider of the foot clan. She might as well be my sworen enemy..they all are"

You said, in a calm and even tone as you had been taught.

"You sound.. japanese"

The purple adorned one remarked.

"That's for a reason, who are you? You know Hamoto katas, and your throwing stars bear their symbol. I need to know where they are."

"We are-"

The orange dressed one started before getting cut off by the red one.

"Like we'd tell you!"

"I am no enemy, I simply wish to relay a message."

You say, still in that calm tone.

"Uh-huh. Likely story"

The purple one said, trying to sound tough. You found the attempt to be adorable.

"The wild blossoms are in new York now, trust the foot clan will be delt with."


You threw a smoke bomb on the ground disappearing in an instant.

You were on the roof nearby watching them closely.

If they were allied with the Hamoto clan they would be most useful, they are trained well.

(( To be continued??)) 

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