!rise! Donnie x !chubby! F- reader

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(i saw the comments on one of my smut chapters, and it made me sad to see such gorgeous kings/queens body shaming themselves. If your going though something right now, this is dedicated for you. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. Dm's are always open.)

You and Donnie had been dating for a few weeks, and in those weeks, you've seen a whole new side to the terrapin in purple.

He was sweet and thoughtful, while being down to earth and wholesome in a relationship. He doubted himself and his decisions a lot, which made you sad, but you understood.

You had a fear.

A nagging, aching anxiety from the pits of your stomach.

Was he not sure about the relationship?

He picked fun at you often, but that was probably a coping mechanism to deal with his own insecurities and his brothers ridicule.

Also rather unfortunately he left you on read often. It was petty arguments, but it still hurt. Your mental state just wasn't that strong to handle it sometimes. But you would just take a nap and you feel better about it in the morning.

April (and Mikey) had become inthralled by the relationship and had tried to help you on occasion. Their advice came down to basically one skill-


You had decided to put this good advice to use, as you had a big argument the day before.

You had a body image problem, it was common if course, no one was truly happy with how they looked really. But yours got to you a lot, and after Donnie wouldn't stop commenting on your belly, you lost it.

You were going to try and sit him down, talk to him to try and make this work, because how you were currently doing things was not working for you.

You had built up all your courage, and knocked on the lab door.

"Yes? Who is it? I'm busy!"

"Hey, donnie. It's me."

You heard a small "oh" and shuffling from the other side of the door which you could assume was him getting up to open it.

"Hello Y/n, I assumed you came here to apologize?"

You breathed a small sigh, as you had grown accustomed to him greeting you like this after an argument.

"No, I've come here to talk."

That made his face drop, behind the scenes, Mikey had been instructing him how to act. Of course, he didn't really take the younger box turtles advice, and acted on his own accord. He did, however, know that 'we need to talk' was a bad thing.

He gulped.

"Ah..uh..you know I'm a bit bus-"


He had never seen you that upset and angry. He wilted immediately and opened the door for you to open up yourself and step inside. You walked in, pointing to a chair.


And he did, plopping himself down in the exact chair you pointed to with an already guilty expression and fidgeting hands.


You began.

"You make fun of me. That's fine, I mean, it's just playful. I know..it's only playful. But yesterday you commented on my weight. That's a really sore spot for me, and something you should never ever make a joke making fun of."

Donnie flinched, immediately cursing himself under his breath for not picking up on that sooner.

"It hurt me Donnie, but you wouldn't listen when I told you to knock it off so I could get over it. I got mad, and blew up at you. Yes, its not a good look to just blow up at you, but..you didn't stop when I asked, you never do. And instead of talking about it over text, you left me on read."

He sat there, a blank expression and an empty face. For a sickening moment you figured he was ignoring you, but he lifted his head up.

"I..didn't know that was a sore spot for you."

"I..try not to focus on that."

"I can't imagine why you wouldn't like how your body is, that's why I brought it up. I genuinely didn't know it was rude or mean, I thought of it as the same as you calling my markings dorky, I know you like them and it was good fun. That's..why I left you on read, I assumed you were in the wrong for taking a play insult to heart. But, sigh. It is mine, my love. I am sorry."

You felt your heart flutter at the nickname, smiling like a fool.

"I forgive you Donnie, i-"

"Don't you apologize. I was in the wrong, and I genuinely feel guilty about it if my face cannot show that. I think you are perfect, a goddess on earth."

You flushed as he gingerly hugged you around the middle. He was still shy on physical contact (and proper apologies for that matter) but he was quickly warming up to you. 

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