!2012! Leo (NSFW) HC

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This man..is pretty vanilla actually.

The only BDSM thing I actually see him liking is ropes. Seeing you tied up, or being tied up himself.

He's not very vocal, you're lucky if you get a whimper or a grunt. It's not that he doesn't like being loud, he simply just isn't.

He gets very turned on by your noises though, if you recorded something for him and he happened to play it? He needed to take care of himself that instant.

This man is the master of praise, I see him guiding you through it. He has so many nicknames for you. While he's not vocal, he is talkative until he gets into it.

"My darling"

"My love"


"My angel."


"Pretty boy/girl"

He is an experimentalist. He'll at least try anything once, even if he thinks he's gonna hate it. 80% hes right, and the other 20% he finds out he likes being a brat tamer.

He prefers to top, but will occasionally let you dominate. Depends on his mood or if he's tired.

He cusses in bed, especially if he's getting close and going at it? Expect a lot of foul language from Mr. Fearless.

....it's easy to get him to whimper, even if he's not vocal. He's such a simp when you ride, if you want to get him whiney and whimpery, do intervals while riding.


"Fucking hell-"

"Oh my fucking god yes-"

"Just! Ugh- like that baby!"

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