!rise! raph x chubby reader

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You ran out of school, tears streaming down your face soaked in white paint.

About an hour ago you would have said today was an alright day, It all started when you went to lunch.

You had friends, unfortunately none of them had the same lunch as you and you were forced to eat alone.

A few of the 'popular' Regina George wannabes had come down and sat beside you at your table. Instantly suspicious, you side eyed them.

"What do you guys want?"

You asked.

"We just saw you sitting all alone and felt really bad"

Said one.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have to sit by yourself its not fair."

They all giggled to themselves as you frowned. Did they think you were stupid? You sighed and put down your food.

"Don't worry about it, I was done anyways." As you walked past them to put your food in the trash, one stuck her leg out and you went falling.

The others pulled a bucket of white paint out of their backpack and dumped it all over you before you could even sit up.

You gasped and wiped paint out of your eyes as seemingly all the cafeteria laughed.

"Look guys it's a beached whale!"

You could feel your face burn as you jumped up, picked your food up and chucked it at her face.

You picked up your stuff, getting white paint all over it as you ran out. Leaving a trail of white paint behind you.

You could hear the bully sputter as the others gasp. You didn't care, what did you do to deserve this? You hadn't done anything to anyone, you were always nice to everybody. It seemed the world was bent on punishing you for being a little bigger than others.

You ran out of the double doors, not running into anyone in the hall. Even if you did you knew that no one would stop you.

You couldn't go home, your (g/n) ((gardien name))  would just tell you to suck it up and send you back.

Eventually you couldn't run anymore and you sat in between two restaurants wheezing.

Then it hit you on what just happened. You had been publicly humiliated because you were a little chubby.

You cried into your hands, the paint had dried mostly leaving you crunchy and flakey.

"Are you ok?"

You heard a voice say.

You whipped around looking, nothing was there but the dumpsters and garbage laying around.

You sniffled.

"W-whos there?" 

You got on your knees, ready to run if danger presented itself.

"Hey its ok I'm not goin' to hurt cha' "

You looked again, still finding nothing.

"Who are you? Where are you?"

"Now see, your gonna flip when ya' see me so it's best I just hide in the shadows ya know?"

You figited with your hands, unsure of what to do in this situation.

"Why would I be scared?"

"I'm kinda scary..I don't look like ya so people freak out."

"I know what that's like"

You sighed.

"Ya do?"

"Why do you think I'm covered in paint? Design choice? No, people pored it on me because I look different from them."

"I don't think you look different, just a little softer. And more cuddly."

You giggled at the complement.

"Can I at least know your name?"

"Uh...you can call me raph."

"Raph..that's a nice name"

"Daw well heh heh thanks, what's yours?"


"Oh! (Y/n) I like it, it's got pizzazz."

You giggled again, feeling better. You figured you could go home and just say school got out early today to your (g/n). You pick up your things and turn to where you thing the voice is coming from.

"Well..see you later raph"

"Bye (y/n)!"

(To be continued)

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