!2012! sad Mikey x reader |comfort and kisses|

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As you walked into the lair, something was immediately off.

For one your boyfriend- Mikey, didn't come and greet you, as he always did. And second, no one was out in the living room.

Soon that changed, Leo stepping in from the dojo.

"Oh hey y/n."

"Hey Leo, where's Mikey?"

"Oh, I think he's in his room. He's been in there for hours, mins checking up on him for me?"


You knew he was probably playing video games but you still had worry in the pit of your stomach.

His door was shut, which made you worry even more. He never shuts his door..


You ask, voice laced in concern as you softly knock on his door.
Inside you heard sniffling and something shuffling.

"..is it ok if I come in?"

You hear a faint 'sure' from inside, his voice is broken and you hurt just from listening to him. It hurt you to think your usually happy go lucky boyfriend was now sad.

Walking in, his room was clean. A huge red flag. You saw a lump on the bed surrounded in blankets, where the sniffling was coming from.

You walked over to him, resting your hand against his shell while you sat next to him.

"Mikey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing...don't worry about it."

"It's my job to worry baby"

You said, now soothingly rubbing his shell.

"You know you can't tell me anything, right? I want to know, your not being a burden.."

He started full on crying, you could tell he was before but had calmed down. Hearing you, wanting to help him and to listen to him made him feel like he was guilt tripping you into staying.

You found his face, and cupped your hands around it. Bringing him closer to yours.

"Now, tell me baby what's bothering you. I can't stand to see you like this..it hurts me."

"I'm sorry.."

He sobbed, a part of your soul died to see him like this, so- just..broken.

"No no, don't be sorry baby"

You started rubbing your thumb across his face, wiping tears away.

"Please Mikey...tell me what's wrong. I want to make it better."

"D-do you think.."

He sniffles

"I'm.. annoying?"

"No! Of course not.."

"Are you just with me b-because you felt sorry about me?"

"No! Why would you think so?"

"D-do you"

He chokes on a sob.

"Love me?"

His voice cracks from crying to much.

"Yes! More than anything..Mikey where did all this come from?"

Mikey tried to tell you, but the sobs cought in his throat. Making it hard to speak. You did some slow breathing exercises to calm him down.

He explained heckling from his brothers and his own insecurities had put him into a depression. He just felt useless and unwanted wherever he went, feeling like nothing compared to his brothers.

You began peppering his face in kisses, quick little pecks all around his face. He scrunches up his face at the sensation and can't help but softly giggle.

"I'm going to have a long chat with your brothers, but for now I'm going to show you that dumb little voice in your head tell you that I don't love you is wrong."

You snake your way into his lap, straddling him. You tightened all your limbs around him, stroking his shell once more.

He hugs back tightly, tears slowing down.

You kissed his cheeks repeatedly. Whispering affirmations and praise. Laying your head into the crook of his neck.

Eventually he stops crying and looks you in the eyes.

"Thank you angel cakes, i-im not sure I could have gotten better without you"

You softly smiled, putting your hands around his face.

"Your not better, it'll take awhile to be 'better' but I'm glad you feel better. Insecurities don't go away with cuddles and kisses, unfortunately."

"Why not? I don't feel insecure anymore."

"It comes in waves, but doesn't go. Trust me, I have my own"

He gasps and looks at you, offended.

"But- angel- your perfect!"

You giggle, embarrassed.

"I'm not, though, I'm glad you think so"

He pouted. Before kissing you on the lips, holding you tighter.

"You are though to me. In my eyes angel."

You where slightly taken aback by his seriousness.

"I love you Mikey, now let's go to sleep, you seem tired."

"I love you too sweet cheeks..that sounds good."

He doesn't let go, just falls to his side, still holding you. You yelp in surprise and giggle, holding your turtle to sleep.

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