!2012! Donnie x mom friend reader

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You made your way to the lair, food in hand.

You had made it last night for some very special boys. It was a nice, home cooked meal to off-set the amounts of greasy pizza they ate.

You but the bag the food was in, in your mouth while you used both of your hands to climb down the sewer ladder.

You walked through the rank sewers.

I don't think I'll ever get used to the smell

You gagged to yourself. It was foul but you would suffer through it for the boys. They were like brothers to you- all except for one.

Donatello. I mean- he's just so cute and nerdy! It was hard not to fall for him. You respected he has the hots for April though and you haven't tried to make move.

You found it rude to know when someone has interest in someone else and still try to push your luck, you wouldn't like it if someone did that to you so you wouldn't do that to him.

As you walked up the steps to the lair you are hugged tightly by a familiar turtle in orange.

"Y/n! Oo whacha got?"

He says, reaching for your bag.
You chuckled and pull it away from him.

"Hello Mikey, and it's your supper so don't get into it."

"But that's not pizza-?"

"Because your not eating pizza tonight."

"Awh man! I want pizza though.."

He pouts, he wasn't usually this baby-ish but you let him get away with being a brat and he took advantage of that.

"I made it myself Mikey, at least just try it?"

You asked, Mikey looked at you and smiled.

"Alright dude(ette) I'll try it, I guess "

You giggled at his silliness.

"Oh hello Y/n"

"Hey Leo,"

You waved at him as he walks into the living room.

"What do you have?"

He asks, pointing at your bag.

"I made you guys a meal, I hope you don't mind."

Leo softly smiles, gaze softening.

"Of course I don't mind y/n, we're grateful for it."


You smiled, making your way into the kitchen to prepare it. You pass raph, who also greets you.

"Sup y/n?"

"Hey raph, nothing much. You?"

He shrugs, walking past you. He yells over his shoulder with an after thought.

"Smells good!"

You smile, he's learned some manners from you- if only a little. You began to prepare the meal.

After awhile it's done and you serve it into plates, dishing it out to everyone. Including master splinter. You made sure he got some, his hospitality being the reason your here in the first place.

You summon the boys to the kitchen, yelling them that foods done.

"Mmm this smells so good dude(ette)"

"But I thought you wanted pizza?"

You tease.

"I stand corrected, I want this "

You giggle and get up, seeing Donnie is not present.

"Im going to get Donnie."

The others nod and began to dig into their plates, eating sloppily.

You poke your head into Donnie's lab, seeing him over his desk.

"Hey don! Suppers ready-"

He looks up at you, eyes red and his face paler. His nose had a tissue in it and tissues where strewn all over his desk.

"Be there in a minute y/n, thanks"

He replies, albeit naseily.

"No you will not Donatello."

You said sternly. He blinks in surprise, not used to you standing your ground or saying his full name.

"You are going to lay down and I'm going to get you your food. Your sick, and need to rest."

He blinks again, surprised.

"Y/n I'm fine really-"

"Donatello Hamoto."

You said hands on your hips.

"You over work your self all the time, I know no one really takes care of you any more but please, allow me to? Just this once?"

Your tone is pleading and his expression softens.


He sighs. You clap your hands and lead him to bed.

"I'll be right back with your food, don't get up."

He watches you go sighing to himself.
Why can't you just leave him alone like the others? You always just came in here and-

It hit him.

It hit him like a fright train.

You cared

You cared about him, that's why you did all of this. That's why you checked up on him to make sure he ate, or made sure he went to bed. That's why you would listen to him vent or make supper for everyone.

You truly cared for him and his family. He looked down at his hands. And he was stupid and arrogant to you.

You came back with a plate, looking fresh and happy.

"Alright, I made it myself so don't feel bad for telling me it sucks. If you don't like it I won't make it again"

You set the plate down on the table beside his bed. Did you always look like that? Did you always..have that sent? Like a bakery..you worked at one didn't you?

He vaguely remembers you telling him about it. He mentally kicks himself for not paying attention, how oh how was he so..blind?!

"Are you ok don? Im sorry if I over-imposed on you, I just can't stand to see you overworking yourself."

He shakes his head, coughing.

"No no it's fine..I need to rest"

You smile, did your smile always look like that? It made him smile to..

You sat him up and sat with him while he ate, just being there.

"Mmm this is good y/n!"

"Thank you don"

You smiled bashfully. You were blushing! Was it from the complement? he blushed when he was complemented to.

Donnie takes another bite, he wasn't lieing. It was good, probably the best thing he's eaten in awhile. Pizza every night gets tiring.

You patiently wait with a smile on your face. You smile was so bright and loving- loving? Yes, it was loving. No one ever looked at him like that- it gave him butterfly's.

When he was done you took his plate and- actually tucked him into bed.

But he didn't feel like a child. No- this was caring and sweet. He felt loved and cared for. As he watched you leave, feeling full and warm his eyes drifted to your curves and he scolded himself.

Why am I looking at them like that!-

Oh boy.

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