!rise leo! x TransMasc reader |18+|

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Disclaimer! The reader has female anatomy but identifys as male, thank you @n0t_s0_g0lden for requesting this chapter!))

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Leo said, his nerves slightly shining through his usually cocky fadsade. You noticed and pet his head affectionately. He was currently resting on your stomach with his elbows on each side of the bed beside you. You had nothing on aside from your sleep shirt and underwear.

"Yes, I'm sure."

You breathed.

Leo had been wanting to enter a new stage in the two of you's relationship for a long time. He had his fantasys, and found it shocking when you admitted to having your own. He pinned you down to tease you, but after mild teasing you instructed him to fuck you.

"I just- im worried I might.."

"Might what? Enjoy it too much~?"

"Ugh don't tease me while I'm trying to be vulnerable with youuuu."

Leo whined, making you chuckle.

"Sorry, sorry."

"I dont want to hurt you, or make a fool out of myself.."

He mumbled. You cooed, holding his face in your hands.

"Awe baby boy.."

He grunted, looking up at you with a deep flush and embarrassed face.

"You're gonna do amazing, but if you're not ready, I understand."

He shifted, looking away with a whiney sigh.

"No- im ready.."

You smiled adoringly, rubbing a thumb over his cheek. Once he had quickly drawn up his strength he looked back up to you with a firey determination and lust. Your stomach fluttered with butterflys for a moment. And your heart leaped once you felt his hand slide over yours on his face.

His kissed your palm, nuzzling into it and giving you a crooked grin. His other hand, however, was slowly sliding up your waist and onto your stomach under your shirt. You breathed a shudder, your head rolling to the side.

He chuckled, crawling up ontop of you.

"You really like that huh?"

You nodded, smiling like a fool. Leo started using both hands to fell you up, and was absolutely going off the walls. Your shivers and little yelps made the small feral part of his mind go wild.

He knelt down, leaving short kisses up and along your neck, each one getting a little deeper, a little harder. He had begun to leave a little suction before your legs raised up and hugged his middle.

Oh that turned him on.

He bit your neck, making you yelp loudly. You held the back of his head as he sucked in the bite. His hands had reached your underwear and you sucked in a breath.

"Are you ready?"

You nodded eagerly, and he ripped them off, face not leaving your neck.

You were about to scold him before he bit your sweet spot, making you moan. That cheeky bastard smirked into your skin. You started to grind against him, making Leo grunt in suprise.

He was rock hard already, but you could feel him twitch under you.

"Impatient are we?"

"Leo I've been wanting this too long for teasing."

You growled, grabbing his chin to look at your face.

"Just fuck me already."

Oh my GOOOOD you were so hot. He practically moaned at your words, he licked his lips and nodded, kissing you long and hard as he took off his spandex, tossing it aside along with your underwear.

His body moved for him, his nerves were long forgotten in the heat of the moment, the only thing that really mattered were you and him.

His tip prodded your entrance, to which you gasped. He caresses your face with a half-lidded smile.

"Are you ready Querido?"

You shuddered and nodded, and he slid his tip in. You peeped and held onto the bedsheets with a grimace, Leo held your hand and waited patiently. He kissed your cheeks softly before you gave him a few nods to continue.

He slid in more, groaning loudly.

"God your so tight baby boy."

His face twisted up in pleasure, and he bit his lip to quiet himself. You moaned as he entered you, your back arching lightly. He kept you pinned to the bed as he started slowly moving in and out.

You moaned loudly with each movement, making him growl or groan. Your sounds turned him on so much it hurt. He panted as his pace turned moderate, the bed creaking with each movement.

You covered your mouth with a hand, desperately trying to not be too loud. But your moans easily slipped through.

At this point your head tapped against the headboard as he piped you. The bed shook as Leo himself moaned and whimpered. You felt that climb start to build up in your core and your hands sought out Leo.

You held into his shoulders as his pace continued, moaning his name like your life depended on it. He groaned each time, panting heavily.

"Baby oh m- uhhnn..oh my God"

He whimpered, making your back arch.

"I'm getting- hunnng~ close!"

You gasped, making Leo smirk, he had been sweating at this point. Knees on each side of your upper thigh, hands holding your hips with a tight grip, back bending to look at your face. Your nails dug into his shoulders, making him hiss a little.

He was still keeping pace, absolutely beating you in.

You could feel your climax draw nearer with every stroke, but your estimation of Leo's stamina was over-shot.

"Baby- ughhhh I'm g- uhnnn fuck! I-"

With that, you felt his seed burst inside you, he was going to pull out before you held him in place, hugging onto his chest with your legs still around his middle.

"Dont stop- go- uhhhn- don't stop!"

You could feel him harden back up inside you, as he started back up his pace.

"Anything for you Querido"

You whined out loud, and with no work at all your back arched, your eyes rolling back as your nails dug into his shoulders again.

"Ohhh LEO! Ughhhh hng- leo!"

You moaned loudly, your climax washing over you. He didn't stop his pace for a few moments, successfully overestimating you. But he did pull out, panting heavily and leaning over you.

You fell back into the bed, panting to.

"You did amazing Leo."

You praised, making him lay on your chest.

"You did so well, perfect, you are perfect Leo."

He blushed considerably and smiled goofly, still basking in his after-glow. You smiled softly to, the both of you falling asleep not long after. Leo was spooning your from behind with the covers covering the both of you.


Donnie unfortunately heard everything.

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