!rise! Donnie x m! artist! reader |capturing the moment|pt.2

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Donnie slammed the sketchbook shut and hid it behind his back quickly in a fleeting atempt to hide his treachery from you. Though you had already seen it.

"What were you doing looking through my sketchbook?"

"I- uh..well you see i-"

Donnie stanmered, now sweating bullets under the stone cold stare you were putting the soft shell under.

"I've told you you can't look in my book without getting permission!"

Donnie forced himself to look at you, wincing as he saw the hurt in your eyes. He handed the sketchbook back to you, and you snatched it from his hands.

He knew now why you were so abrasive about people looking in it, with your private fantasies being drawn out beautifully across some of the pages.

You didn't know that he had seen, and he was trying his best not to give it away but-

Donnie is horrible about lieing.

"What did you even look at?"

You had tried your best not to let the anxiety or fear show through your face. Donnie felt even more guilty.

"Just- uh..some of the anatomy sketches."

He repiled, pausing before adding.

"It really is good."


"Your art. It's atomically correct."

You paused, flushing slightly and nodding.

"It looked up some muscle charts."

"The colors I find appealing aswell, I know I'm not supposed to go through It but I didn't know just how skilled you are until now."

Being angry or embarrassed twords donnies invasion of your privacy melted from your mind as you listened to donnies praise and drank it up.

"You even got my skin tone to blend right-"

Donnie slapped his palm to his forehead as he revealed he did in fact see your fantasy art.

Your stomach drooped as did your expression. Then your face turned deep deep red as words started to spill out from your mouth.

"I swear it was just to be funny- I'm not creepy I just- it's was- I mean- I wasn't gonna-"

Donnie silenced you.

"Y/n, it's fine."

You flushed nonetheless and hid your face in your hands.

"I find it flattering..and a bit relieving."


"That the pining is mutual and I wasn't spending my time unwisely."

"Wh-? Wait-"

Donnie watched in mild amusement as you connected the dots.


"You don't give me enough credit when it comes to emotional awareness."

"But- Wait-"

"Why haven't you been able to catch onto my feelings before? I tend to keep all my feelings locked away in a tiny box and I like to forget their there."

Stunned, all you could do was laugh.

"That's gotta be unhealthy."

"So mikey has said."

He nodded.

"I'm anycase, ignoring how I feel hasn't done me any good."

You nodded.

"I'll say, I've had to be downright pathetic to cope."

"Ahhh I wouldn't say this measures to pathetic-"


"So..you like me too?"

"Yes, Y/n i-"

Donnie swallowed once, coming to terms with affection twords someone wasn't easy to him. Especially since he spent most of his time ignoring the fact he did in fact like you.

"I do like you to."

You absolutely beamed.

"So uh..what do- uhm..do you want to.."

Donnie waited for you  finish with an expectant expression.

"Are you into lables?"

You finished, making donnie snort with the suddenness of the question. You flushed in embarrassment.

"Don't laugh!"

"I was not, laughing! I was uh...that was a cough. I have allergies."

"Don't avoid the question."

"I'm not avoiding the question im just not answering it and bringing up other topics in hopes you'll forget."

"...you do realize you just explained the textbook definition of avoiding the question right?"

"...damn it, I always do that!"

You stood in front of him expectantly.

"To answer your question...I think i..would like to be..somthing with you."

You sighed.

"I'll take it."

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