!2012! Turtles react: You smoking.

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After a long, stressful day all you wanted to do was unwind.

All day, your nerves were buzzing, your heart racing and your head was pounding.

People are horrible to interact with when you are feeling this way. everyone's voice was grating and insufferable. You wanted to snap and tell the people around you to shut up, you just couldn't deal with it right now.

But, alas, your a people pleaser at heart, and suffered in silence.

After such a day, you tried to ease your nerves. Watching TV didnt help, the screen hurt your eyes to look at. Coloring didn't help, it wasn't quick or easy and you were doing a sloppy job.

Your eyes flick over to the cigarette case sitting on your dresser, and your hands squeeze together on top of your legs.

You had wanted to quit for such a long time, and you had been clean for two weeks for the sake of your crush, Leo.

You knew how he felt about such things, and so you had tried to stop. For him, and for your general well-being. (but let's be honest, that's a secondary here.)

The day has worn you to the bone, and you felt yourself loose the battle with addiction. Two weeks down the drain is all you could think of as your hands clasped over the carton.

Guilt and even more anxiety rattling through your system as your bright one up to your lips.

Shame and relief washing over you as you light the cigarette and take a puff.

By God did it feel good.

What did not feel good was the look on Leos face as he stood in the doorway.

He was ninja, an obvious downside to him was that he could get anywhere, fast without making a sound. He took you by surprise, so you jolted and spilt ash all over your jeans.

You looked up at him, shame washing over your features and tugging on your lips, pulling them into a frown as he continued to oggle at you.

"How long?"

Was his final question. You weren't sure what he was asking as you squashed the barely smoked cigarette into an ash tray.

"What do you mean?"

"How long have you been smoking?"

His arms crossed, and now he was looking at you sternly. It made you shrink back a little as you mumbled.

"A little over a year..."

"Year?! Smoking kills Y/n--"

"I know Leo! Isn't that kind of the point?!"

You slapped a hand to your mouth, looking away in mild horror. On a scale on 1/10 on how good of an impression your leaving him you are a solid -30 right now.


His stern gaze softened, as he sat beside you on the bed and frowned.

"I can assume you're addicted.."

You nod, again, looking to the ground in shame.

"Hey- it's okay. We're going to help you quit, okay? You're not going through this alone."

You looked back up to him, surprised at the understanding he was showing.

Then again, can you really be surprised that Leo was sympathizing with you over self destructive behavior?


You sat on your balcony, taking in the night air with a soft smile on your face.

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