!2012! Leo x reader | shoulder to cry on|

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When Leo had came to you after splinter died

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When Leo had came to you after splinter died..the poor turtle was a mess.

He didn't even speak for the first hour he was there, just sobbing into your chest. Of course, you held him in your arms and rocked him. You knew he would eventually tell you what happened, and right now you needed to be his support.

His sobs had been controlled when he told you, but after he resumed crying into your shirt. You were devastated, you knew tonight was going to be dangerous but..you never expected splinter to have gotten killed.

You shed a few tears with him, sure, you didn't completely agree with splinter on some things. But he was still Leo's father. And by extension he was dear to you.

You had to lead him to bed, and even then he didn't want to lay with you. You understood, but he needed to rest before he was going to do something stupid out of grief.

You coaxed him into resting on the couch, the only problem was now that he's on the couch..he won't let you go. Of course, you didn't really want to leave other than to make sure he's had food.

You pet his back as he sniffled, tears still spilling down his cheeks. He didn't move for the entire night, just holding you tightly and crying.

You were there for him the entire time, whispering positive words of affirmation and comfort. You didn't know if it helped, it seemed the have no effect really. But he would tell you months after this that those words meant the word to him.

He wasn't okay for awhile. He went into a depression, not eating or sleeping and spending almost all his time at your place mediating.

You had eventually gotten him on a regular eating schedule, to which he wouldn't abide by when you weren't there. It wasn't because he wanted to punish himself..his mind was just..not there. He started visiting his brothers more, but going near the dojo hurt him even more.

Seeing you so soon after splinters death made you imprint on his mind, so if you told him to eat, he did. If you told him to sleep, he slept. So on and so forth for..awhile.

His brothers tried to help him, but Lord knows they were grieving to. So you were his rock, his foundation and one of the ways his brothers could pull him out of this depression.

You were there for him, and you had been there for his brothers as well. As you tried to get them all to spend more and more time together gradually

It took awhile for things to get back to even a little bit normal, but they got pretty damn close to it. April and Casey came over a lot, and no one could stomach going into splinters room for any reason.

You remained his foundation, but now Leo has begun to actually get out of the depression, he ate, slept, cleaned himself up and even begun training.

It warmed your heart to see him looking alive again, to see him without the pale skin and exhausted eyes.

His love for you increased ten fold, as you had stuck by his side in quite literally the hardest point in his life, he knew you were the one.

And he would forever be by your side.

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