!2012! Donnie x reader |confession| pt. three

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Observing you over the past few days was making Donnie's head spin.

On one hand, you seemed to be interested in him, but in the other hand you kept hanging out with Mikey.

He hadn't really paid attention before, were you always this close to his younger brother?

He felt like after he had gotten over April, you seemed so distant. Was he just now craving your attention more?

He set his latest experiment down and sighed. He peaked around the corner of his lab watching you. Mikey had his arm around you while playing video games and you just giggled.

His heart melted at your laugh, it sounded like the most beautiful music he'd ever hear.

His eyes narrowed at his brothers arm touching you, envy and jealousy bubbling in his chest.

Mikey dosent know you like them

The rational part of his mind reasoned with the wild part wanting to snatch you away from him.

He grumbled, not knowing what to do, surely you'd be mad at him if he just matched out there and demanded you hang out with him..right?

Or would you find it endearing? He knew you blushed when he acted dominant. That's obvious sighs of attraction.

He fought with himself before deciding he'd just come in an politely ask you to hang out, like normal friends do.

He shoved his stupid overthinking thoughts down and matched into the living room.

Your eyes lit up when you saw him, flashing him a genuinely happy smile. You were happy to see him.

His confidence dwindled as quickly as it came, leaving him weak in the knees. He lost his words, not knowing what to say.

"Wassup don?"

Mikey asked, eyes glued to the screen. His hand still not leaving your shoulders.

He regained his posture, now reminded of what he was doing.

"Y/n, I was hoping uh- if your not to busy- that you maybe would want to hang out?"

He asked, you looked at Mikey. As if asking for permission. Mikey just shrugged and pulled his arms away from you, a tight feeling in Donnie's chest he didn't even know was there left.

You seemed a little sad at the loss of contact but you smile at Donnie once more.


He smiled back and the two of you walked into his lab. He closed the door behind the two of you.

"So, Donnie what's up?"

You ask, rocking back and forth on your feet.

"I just wanted to hang out, you know?"

"Well thats unlike you Donnie."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on, you never invited me to hang out before, I just kinda showed up. So what's the occasion?"

"There isn't one, I just wanted your company"

He said nervously. You smiled slyly.

"You've never wanted to before"

"That is not true!"

"Oh yeah? Then why haven't you drug me away from Mikey until now? Unless something has perhaps changed.."

You said, smirking.

He felt his blood run cold. You knew. But how could you? He hadn't told anyone, so you didn't find out from an outside force..

Had you been observing his body language as he had been observing yours? Well he didnt know how you could tell, he made sure to keep his cool around you.

Why was he worrying so much? If you knew, you didn't seem to mind. In fact..it seemed like you were flirting with him..

"Haha relax dude, your just probably more out of your brain than usual. Kinda just remembered I exist randomly am I right?"

He couldnt believe he was doing this, nerves buzzed all through his limbs.  His heart races as he swallowed praying on anyone and anything to give him the courage to go through what he was about to say next.

"Uhm..no actually"

You cocked your head to the side.


"Well your half right technically, something has changed. But I didn't forget you existed, I don't think I could if I tried."

You flushed at the complement.

"You see, April getting together with Casey made me realize that she never liked me, and most likely, no matter what I do, she won't ever like me. But.. looking back, I don't think it would have ended well if she did."

Your heart swelled, he was finally over April!

You jumped up and hugged him around the neck.

"Your over her! Oh I'm so proud of you Donnie!"

He smiled and melted at the praise but sat back up, not being finished just yet.

"But it made me realize something else- someone else.. someone who comforted me on those nights I felt like nothing, someone who laughed when I laughed and cried when I cried. Cheered when I won and was at my side when I lost. Someone who cared about me. Someone who made plans with me, not the other way around."

Your face was giving off eminence heat. He wasnt talking about you was he? But who else could be be taking about? Your mind raced as you froze. You felt donnies hands on your back, returning the hug.

"Someone who I found out I loved..and I'm hoping they feel the same.."

Your heart felt like it was going to explode, you wanted to blurt out million answers but all you could mutter out was a pathic stutter. 

He looked hurt and released you from the hug.

"I-i know that it's just wishful thinking I mean, I'm a turtle for gods sakes-"

"Donnie, you idiot let me talk!"

He shut his mouth with a snap.

"I love you to. I really mean it, I've liked you for months.."

His eyes widen. Wow, really? Was his crush on April so blinding that he couldn't see you pineing over him? He was particularly flattered. His anxiety being soothed with this information.

You fidgeted with your hands, feeling super embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't see you sooner."

Donnie said, taking your hands in his.
You giggled and blushed.

"It's alright,"

He smiles and pulls you up against him.

"Will you be mine, y/n?"

Your face could heat up a skillet.

"Of course donnie."

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