!rise! raph x chubby reader |part two|

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Since the meeting with the mysterious voice dubbed 'raph', nothing really changed. You wondered if the interaction ever really happened at all.

The girls that poured white paint on you did get in trouble and suspended but only for three days. Afterwards it was back to being hell.

You couldn't get why they were so obsessed with bullying you, to be honest, it was really worrying.

Of course you of all people would be concerned for your bully's mental health. Let's face it, you were to kind for your own good.

Walking home from school, on some random day you walked past the same alleyway you talked to 'raph' in.

You wondered if you really talked to someone, when four shadows leaped down into the alleyway, seemingly from the roof.

You ducked to a nearby building pressing your back against it so they wouldn't see you. You didn't know who they are but you didn't want to find out.

Anxiety built up in your chest thinking what they would do if they cought you. You were scared and just wished they would walk away.

The four shadows talked loudly and you Couldn't help but hear what they were talking about.

" 'nardo I'm telling you it's a bad idea to walk around in public while it's light outside."

"Relax, we'll stick to the shadows, plus, even if a human were to catch us we have the perfect solution."

You gulped. What do they mean 'human'? What do they mean 'perfect solution'? What in the world did you just walk in on?

"Leo I'm with Donnie, this sound like a bad idea."

Another voice says. This one seems more young, and softer from arrogant and monotone one.

"Mikey's right, Leo cut this out. We are not going out."

You recognized that one, how could you forget that kind voice comforting you in a very low point in your life?


You whispered confused. You cupped your hand to your mouth and internally screamed when the voices stopped.

If you ran now, you might be able to reach safety. If you droped your back pack you could run faster..

"Who's there?!"

The monotone one asked.

You let out an involuntary squeak.
Suddenly a blue portal opened up where your feet where standing.


You passed through it, feeling a spike tingle all over your body until your droped and a few feet away into the alleyway.

You rubbed your head and groaned. You felt sick.

"LEO! you can't just portal humans!! What if they were to get stolen on the way?!"

"One least problem"

He shrugged.

You looked up and your eyes widened to sausers. Turtle humans? What the actual fuck. Y/n, just your luck I swear.

Your face must have fallen to an annoyed one because they all looked at you funny.

"Uh..why isn't it screaming?"

The monotone one asked.

You stood up, cracking your back. They all took a step back.

"How much of us did you hear?"

The one wearing a blue bandana said, trying to be intimidating.

You didn't respond, intead you looked at the biggest one, the one dressed in red.


You asked, hesitantly.


He asked looking you up and down. You felt VERY insecure with his gaze and you shrink under it.

"Woah woah woah woah. You guys know each other? Raph is there something your hiding from us?"

The blue on asked looking back and forth between you two.

The orange dressed one bounced to you and gave you a hug, you flinched and froze a little.

"Any friend of raph is a friend to us! Right guys?"

The other two didn't look so convinced.

(( To be continued ))

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