Episode 2 Chapter 3

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"Hey, Em, it's Cassie. You probably already know that since you have caller ID," she chuckled nervously. "Listen, I feel really bad about our fight and mom and dad are worried that you aren't coming back home yet. I promise that I'll tell you my secrets, alright? Just... call me back and come home."

She sighed as she hung up the phone.

She knew it probably wasn't the smartest idea when she decided to tell Em about her being a witch, but she figured it wouldn't do much harm if she told her only her secret, right? Besides, she loved Em. If she was in danger, Cassie would sacrifice herself in a heartbeat. That's the thing with Cassie. Once she loves someone, she'd rather lose herself than lose them.

She laid down on her bed, closing her eyes once her head hit her soft pillow. She slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.





She was sprinting through the woods, turning her head from time to time to see if the creature chasing her had gotten lost. She slowed down, panting, when she saw that the creature had disappeared. She closed her eyes and presses her hand to her chest lightly, relieved that the creature had lost her and that she could stop running.

She suddenly felt something hit her head, hard enough to knock her out. She fell onto the floor with the back of her head bleeding out and smushed in from the impact.

Once the creature made sure she was knocked out, it started dragging her by the ankles, leaving smears of her blood on leaves. It started tying her up against a tree trunk with her hands behind her back and her ankles close together. She slowly awoke when she felt the creature push her head up against the wooden trunk. She opened her eyes, her vision blurry from the loss of blood.

"What...what are you doing to me...?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

The creature didn't answer as it just wrapped a thin, metal rod around her neck. She immediately knew what it was doing.

"No. No," she breathed out, trying to get out of the tight ropes tied around her wrists and ankles. Tears began to spill out of her eyes, sliding down her cheeks rapidly. "No, I'm not ready to die. Not yet. Please, just let me say goodbye first."

The creature ignored her pleads and begs as it tightened its grip of the rod. She could feel the metal rod tightening around her neck, shutting out the air trying to come in. Her face became a bright red color from the lack of air and the struggles she did to attempt to get out of the ropes. She shut her eyes and squeezed them tightly once she saw the creature's arm holding out a silver dagger and leveling it to her neck. The creature slit her neck, letting the blood pour out of the wound.


Cassie jumped out of her bed, gasping for air. She suddenly got that sick feeling in her gut, hinting at her that what she just saw wasn't just a dream. She kicked away her blanket and stumbled her way to her window. She didn't care for shoes, all she cared about was finding her. She got onto the roof and jumped down, landing safely onto the grass. She started to run, finding her way to the woods.

Once she made it to the woods, she didn't bother to slow down as she yelled out her name. She stopped in her tracks when she saw blood smeared onto the leaves.

No. No, this can't be happening. There's no way she's dead, right?

She exhaled shakily before looking in the direction to her right, hoping that she didn't find what she was looking for. She felt tears gloss over her eyes as she started to walk in that direction. She let a few tears fall as she made her way to the spot that was in her dream. She gasped, her hands trembling at the sight. Her greatest fear had come true.

Sacrifices; Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now