Episode 3 Chapter 53

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"Terrible. Horrifying. Pathetic. Unbelievably pathetic," Coach Finstock kept commenting as everyone ran past him. "Is that everyone?"

Lastly, right on cue, was Stiles. He was bent over with his hands on his knees as he panted like the air was suddenly thinning by the second.

Cassie watched from afar with an amused smile plastered on her lips. She stood next to a freshman that was doing push-ups as she stretched out her arms and legs. She was one of the first people that was finished with laps. Though she hated running, when she was motivated, she could run fast. Only when she was motivated. Other times, she'd simply just walk.

Stiles then collapsed to the ground, causing Scott to come to him and help him up.

Coach sighed in disappointment. "Yep. That's everyone."

"Who... who came in first?" Stiles managed to say in between pants.

"Who do you think?" Scott replied, nodding his head towards the freshman and Cassie.

Stiles wanted to roll his eyes, but he couldn't due to the amount of struggling he was enduring.

"He isn't human," Stiles commented. "What is he? A were-cheetah? Does it even exist? Is that a thing?"

"I think he's just that good," Scott said, referring to their little moment in the locker room that morning.

"I'm gonna puke. Take me somewhere."

Cassie's smile grew when she saw Scott drag Stiles somewhere behind the bleachers. She assumed it was Stiles to throw up or something. The thought of Stiles puking just because of a few laps of running made her laugh to herself.

"Still a dork," she muttered.


Cassie stood behind Stiles in line as he struggled to pick up one of the balls with his lacrosse stick. She sighed impatiently, waiting for him to just get on with it.

Giving up on just scooping it up with his lacrosse stick, he took a ball off from the ground and just stuck it inside the net of his stick. He stood up properly, readying himself as he licked his lips and focused on getting his aim right. The goalie guarding the goal readied himself as well, waiting for Stiles to shoot, like the other people in line.

He took a few steps forward before finally launching the ball, aiming for the goal. The ball ended up going straight into the net of the goalie's lacrosse stick.

A few people behind him laughed at his failed attempt. One of those people being Cassie.

She quickly shut her mouth, biting the inside of her lips when Stiles turned to her. He glared at her, knowing full well that she was one of which that laughed.

She winked at him. "Watch and learn."

He smiled sarcastically at her before going back to where Scott was waiting in the line.

"She can't be that good, right? I mean, I've never seen her play lacrosse before this morning," Stiles said, clearly irritated by her words.

Scott simply shrugged at him before going back to watch Cassie.

Cassie scooped up one of the balls from the ground easily. Twirling the lacrosse stick in her hand, she got ready to throw the ball into the goal. She heard Stiles mutter the words 'show off', making her smirk. She then launched the ball straight towards the goal. The goalie was fast. Too fast. The goalie tried to catch it with his own stick, but ended up missing as the ball flew over the tip of the stick. The ball made it past the goalie and went straight into the net.

Sacrifices; Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now