Episode 4 Chapter 4

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Cassie spent the next few days cooped up in her room. She didn't even come out to eat. Stiles, Scott, Allison, Lydia, Issaac, and even Derek tried to visit her to see how she was doing, but she pushed all of them away. Her parents were worried about her behavior of course, but they told themselves that it was probably her way of coping with Em's death.

And they were completely correct.

She blamed herself constantly for Em's death. She didn't want to believe that Em was dead. That she was gone and never coming back. But she knew that she would have to accept it one day. She just didn't want it to be that day yet.

So, instead of coping and grieving like she was supposed to be doing, she asked her parents if she could go back to school. They were surprised it took her a very short amount of time to move on, in fact, they were still trying to move on, but they didn't question it and allowed her to go back to school.


"I don't know, Scott. I'm worried about her."

"Well then, stop being so worried. She's a strong person, Stiles. She'll get through this."

"I know. It's just..." he trailed off when he saw a familiar figure in the distance.

"Just what?"

"Just the fact that it's only been a few days and she's already back at school."

Scott furrowed his brows at him and turned his head to look in the same direction Stiles was looking at. He saw Cassie in her usual dark clothing attire, looking normal as ever. Stiles was suspicious of her while Scott was happy that she had moved on.

"I don't get what's wrong with that. She seems fine to me," Scott said, still looking at Cassie.

Stiles turned his head to him. "You know, for a werewolf who can literally smell people's emotions, you're pretty stupid."

"She smells fine to me, Stiles," Scott sighed. "You're just worrying too much. Maybe she has good coping mechanisms."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you suddenly knew everything about my girlfriend."

Scott sighed again, frustrated with Stiles' words. "Stiles. She looks fine and she is fine. Stop worrying," he said before walking away.

Stiles looked back at the girl and saw that she was casually struggling to open her locker. He strutted his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

"You need help from your knight in shining armor?" he asked, kissing her on the cheek.

"Yeah. I wonder where he is though."

He unwrapped his arms around her. "Okay, I'm leaving."

"No, no, no, no. I'm kidding. Stay," she insisted, pulling him back.

He grinned at her before turning to her locker and picking up the lock to put the code in. He glanced at her and saw her patiently waiting for him to open the locker.

"So," he began. "When's the funeral?"

"Funeral? What funeral?"

"The funeral for Emily." He saw her demeanor change for just a second before she began to reply.

"I-I don't know. My parents didn't mention a funeral."

He nodded. "Speaking of Emily. Was she a virgin?"

Cassie choked on her spit. "Excuse me, what?"

"It's this theory I have about the murders that have been happening," he started to explain. "I realized that Heather and this other girl my dad found in the woods were both virgins. There was also another guy that was found today during cross-country practice who potentially might be a virgin too."

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