Episode 10 Chapter 16

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"What? What do you mean she's not breathing?"

"I mean she's not breathing, Stiles! What do I do?"

"I don't know! CPR?"

That's when Cassie remembered that she had learned CPR at her old school as a test for her health class. She tilted Cora's head upwards and pinched her nose. She then opened her mouth and began blowing air into it.

"Come on, Cora. Breathe," she muttered.

She went back and forth between blowing air into her mouth and putting her ear on top her chest to check her heartbeat. She groaned in frustration when after a couple of times, Cora still wasn't breathing.

"Come on, Cora, breathe. Come on!" She yelled out.

She did the same pattern again and cried out frustratedly when it still didn't work.

"Venit Cora, Respirare! Respirare!"

With one last blow to the mouth, Cora gasped for air. Cassie sighed, happy that the CPR worked. She sat back on the bench and leaned her head on the wall. She closed her eyes, hoping for some relaxation for at least five minutes, before Stiles spoke up.

"What'd you say?"

She opened her eyes. "Huh?"

"That last sentence you said before she started to breathe again. What'd you say?"

She furrowed her brows. "I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, you did, actually. It was in a different language."

"I spoke in a different language?"

"Yeah. I think it something like "veni, Cora, res-peer-are-rae"."

"I said that?" he nodded. "Well then, I have no idea what that means." She saw Stiles' deadpan look. "I'm serious! I don't know what that means!"

"You literally just said it!"

"Okay, you know what? I am in no mood to argue, especially in a place like this so just please, be quiet."

They sat in another few minutes of silence. Cassie was zoning out through the window, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. She looked back at Stiles who looked deep in thought.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

He sighed, deciding to just tell her now since she would find out anyway. "It's just... I've always been the one with the plan, or at least a plan B. Now, I don't know. Now, I'm thinking maybe Cora was right. You know, maybe... maybe we are pretty much useless. Maybe all we really do is show up and find the bodies."

He paused, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. "I don't want to find my father's body."

Cassie sighed, nodding as she listened to his speech. She moved over to where he was sitting and turned him to her. She cupped his face, wiping away the tears that had slipped out his eyes.

"Stiles... all I can say to you is that you're right. We're always the ones that somehow finds the bodies. But we also do so much more than that. Especially you. Without you, we wouldn't have considered that Matt was controlling the kanima. Without you, Scott wouldn't have figured out that Allison was his anchor. Without your accidental confession, we wouldn't be dating right now."

She dropped her hand from his face. She grabbed his hands and held them as she stared straight into his eyes.

"Stiles, you are one of the smartest people I know and because of you, us and the pack have survived through all of this supernatural drama. Yes, it's always Scott that gets the credit. But it's the most powerful and inspirational heroes that always get unrecognized. You might be the side kick in this story, but in someone else's? You're the hero. And that someone else's story, is mine. And I promise you that I will not let your father die. We will find him. Alive, breathing, and uninjured."

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