Chapter 50

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Cassie woke up in an unfamiliar bed. She sat up on the mattress, looking around the room she was in. She realized that she was in Scott's bedroom and sighed in relief that she wasn't in a total stranger's bedroom.

She got out of bed; hearing people chatter from downstairs. She walked slowly down the stairs as the pack were all discussing something she couldn't quite figure out. The pack then heard her footsteps and turned their heads to her.

She sent them all a half smile. "Am I interrupting a pack meeting?"

They all rushed towards her and practically ambushed her with hugs.

The first she hugged was Lydia, of course. The banshee couldn't find any words to say how ecstatic she was that her best friend was alive.

Next was Kira. Though she didn't know Cassie very well, she was still happy that she was alive.

Then there was Scott. Cassie could tell by how tight he was embracing her that he had missed her.

Then there was Malia. The were-coyote hesitated at first when Cassie wrapped her arms around her, but she eventually hugged her back, realizing that she had also missed her as well.

And finally, Stiles was the last to embrace.

After Cassie had pulled away from Malia, the two just stared at each other, neither of them stepping forward first. She smiled softly at him, still feeling the same love and admiration for him as always. But all he could feel was guilt and confliction.

"Why are you being so awkward? Come here."

She walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He stiffened at first, but after a few seconds of feeling her touch, he relaxed and wrapped his arms around her waist. Then all his feelings of guilt went away.

Stiles missed everything about her. Her touch, her voice, her smile, her personality, everything. He pulled her in tighter as he hid himself in the crook of her neck. He let out a few tears that showed purely how happy and safe he finally felt.

The others in the room, besides Malia, became tense when they watched the scene in front of them unfold. They all knew he was dating Malia, and all they could think about while watching was if Stiles still had feelings for Cassie.

Cassie pulled away from him first, the same smile still plastered on her lips. She then turned around and faced the rest of the pack.

"So, what did I miss?"


"Kate is a what now?"

"A were-jaguar. And it's kind of confusing, but it'll make more sense later on... hopefully," Scott explained.

"And Allison and Issaac left with Chris to go to Paris," Lydia added.

Scott, Lydia, and Kira all looked at Stiles, basically telling him to tell Cassie about him and Malia. He gulped under all their forceful stares before clearing his throat.

"Um, Cass, there's something you need to know..." he trailed off when she looked up at him with her beautiful, blue eyes. He looked in them, practically getting lost as the feeling of guilt started to rise. "Your family. They all left Beacon Hills."

She sighed. "Yeah, that was actually expected." They all looked at her with shocked expressions. "Well, after Em died, they were already considering moving back to San Fransisco. I guess my death was kind of their breaking point." She sighed again. "And now, I guess, I have nowhere to live until I find my own place."

"You can live with me," Scott suggested. "We have an extra room in our house now that Issaac's gone, and I'm sure that my mom wouldn't mind at all if you lived with us for a while."

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