Episode 5 Chapter 57

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Cassie was slipping her purple dress on as she stared into her reflection in the mirror.

She saw her body. She saw her eyes. She saw her hair. She saw her clothes. Yet when she looked in her reflection, she felt like she didn't see her.

Cassie thought that this weird feeling of her not feeling herself would eventually fade away, but it had been almost two full weeks, and everything still felt the same.

Maybe it was a side effect from dying, she kept telling herself. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Her thoughts were interrupted by someone just barging into the room.

"Hey, Cass, I'm-"

Stiles stopped talking and just froze when he saw that Cassie's dress was only half on while the rest of her upper torso was revealed. He quickly covered his eyes with his hands and went out the door.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to walk in on you while you were changing. I-"

"Stiles, relax. It's nothing you haven't seen before," Cassie spoke as she slipped the thin sleeves over her shoulders.

"It's weird seeing you like that when we're broken up."

"Okay, then maybe knock on the door next time, genius," she retorted. Her hands moved to her back to zip up the zipper on her dress.

"I just came here to say that Scott's at the lake house picking up Lydia, Malia, and Kira, so he wanted me to drop you off at school."

"I couldn't have just walked?" she questioned, starting to struggle a bit with the zipper on her back. She sighed frustratedly. The zipper was barely halfway across her back.

"You know, with the dead pool going on, he didn't want you walking because he didn't want you to be the next victim."

"Wow, so sweet of him. Always thinking of my reputation. Wouldn't want to see the newspaper headline as 'Cassandra Williams: Dead Again. Fake or Real?'"

She groaned in annoyance, realizing that the zipper was now stuck.



"Can you help me?"

"With what?"

"My zipper is stuck, and I need you to zip up my dress."

There was a small silence before she heard the door creak open. She saw him walk into the room through the reflection of her mirror. His eyes then met hers as he slowly started walking towards her. She broke their eye contact first, looking down to the floor. She knew he was behind her when she felt his hand clamp onto her shoulder.

"The zipper?" he muttered in her ear.

"Yeah, it's, um... it's stuck."

She moved her hair onto one shoulder when his other hand started to trail down her back to where the zipper was: the tips of his fingers dragging themselves down. She shut her eyes as her breathing got deeper and faster. He had no idea what he was doing to her. He was practically torturing her with the simplest touch.

His other hand was taken off her shoulder and brought to the space above the zipper. He slowly moved the zipper down her back before zipping it back up. It got stuck again at first, but he then placed his hand flat on her back, unknowingly sending shivers down her spine. He tried zipping it up again, and that time it worked. He zipped it all the way to the end point.

"Thanks," she spoke, her voice in a whispered tone.

She turned around, but she didn't expect Stiles to still be standing right behind her. She looked up at him, getting lost in his whiskey brown eyes as he got lost in her icy blue ones. Cassie glanced at his lips, wanting to just smash her lips onto his. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted to kiss him so bad right then and there.

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