Episode 6 Chapter 7

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Cassie woke up to light taps on her shoulder.

"Cass, wake up. We're here."

"The cross-country meet?" she asked tiredly before yawning.

"No, we're at some motel. Come on."

He helped her up from her seat and grabbed her purse. They interlocked their hands together as them and Allison, Scott, and Lydia walked off the bus. The five looked up at the motel and cringed at the sight.

"I've seen worse," Scott said, trying to make it sound like the motel wasn't so bad.

"Where have you seen worse?"

"This is the motel we're staying at? Should've just left me on the bus," Cassie muttered, rubbing her eyes with her free hand.

Coach blew his whistle for the millionth time ever, making all conversations end and silent.

"Listen up. The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely."

"Wanna stay with me and Scott?"

Cassie shook her head. "No, I'll just stay with the girls tonight. Is that okay?"

"Cass, you don't need my permission to stay with the girls. Go."

She muttered a thank you to him and gave him a peck on the lips before meeting up with Allison and Lydia.

"Your guys' relationship is so healthy, it makes me sick," Lydia grumbled.

"Don't listen to her. She's just grumpy that we're not staying in a five-star hotel."

"I'm on her side. I'm pretty grumpy too. I mean, look at this place. It gives me the creeps," she said, grabbing a copy of the same room key Allison and Lydia grabbed.

The two girls stopped walking when they noticed Lydia hadn't moved from her spot at all.


"Lyds, you okay?"

"I don't like this place."

"I don't think even the owners like this place," Cassie commented.

"It's just for a night," Allison said, trying to make things sound better.

God, her and Scott really are made for each other.

"A lot can happen in one night," Lydia said ominously.

The two darker haired girls glanced at each other before walking over to Lydia.

"Come on, Lydia. It won't be that bad," Allison said, linking arms with her left arm while Cassie linked with her right arm.

"Mm, I don't know, Alli. I'm also kind of getting a bad feeling about this place too."

"It's just for one night and by morning we'll be out of here," the brunette reassured.

Lydia exhaled shakily as did Cassie. The three girls then walked into the motel, not wanting to be left outside, alone, for any longer.


"Alright, so I have five," Stiles began.

"Five? You have five suspects?"

"Yeah. It was originally ten. Well, nine technically, I guess. I had Derek on there twice."

"So, who's number one? Harris?"

"Just because he's missing, doesn't mean he's dead," Stiles elaborated.

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