Episode 15 Chapter 29

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Cassie watched from Stiles' bed as he put up red yarn on his investigation board. She looked to her side and saw more yarn in colors of blue, yellow, and green.

"What do the different colors mean?" Cassie asked, looking up at Stiles for his answer.

"Oh, just different stages of the investigation. So, green is solved, yellow is to be determined, blue's just reminds me of your eyes."

"And red means unsolved?"


"But you only have red on the board," she pointed out.

"Yes, I'm aware. Thank you," he replied, putting his hands on his hips and posing in a dad like manner. "You know, I actually got the idea from you."

"You did?"

"Yeah. Remember? During the whole Kanima mess, we somehow found a night to ourselves and spent it studying. I ask you why you brought four different colored highlighters and you responded with 'red means I know absolutely nothing, yellow means I kind of understand but at the same time I don't, green means I understand everything, and purple's just for extra details'. When I got the board, I figured I could do the same thing."

"Copycat," Cassie commented, rolling her eyes at him.

"Yeah, well, it my defense, it was a great way to organize things."

"No, it was a pretty common knowledge way to organize things," she argued.

"Just take the compliment."

She rolled her eyes at him again, still smiling at the fact that he still remembered something she said a long time ago. She picked up a bundle of yarn and began to play with it.

Stiles picked up a neon green marker and twisted off the cap. He froze when he smelt the powerful odor coming from the tip of the marker. He brought it closer to his nostrils to get a better whiff of it and grimaced at the alcoholic smell.

"Get up. Get up now. We're going to the school," Stiles ordered, putting the cap back on the marker.

"What? Why?"

He grabbed her arm and pulled her up from his bed.

"I think I might know why Scott and the others couldn't find Barrow."


Stiles and Cassie snuck into the dark chemistry lab. Stiles walked in first while Cassie was silently following behind him.

"So, what are we looking for?" Cassie asked. Stiles opened the door to the closet full of chemicals for experiments. "Isn't this supposed to be locked?"

"Yeah. Notice anything else?"

"That it reeks of chemicals," Cassie replied, cringing at the strong smell. Her grimacing expression went away when she realized why they were there. "Which is probably the reason why Scott and the others couldn't locate his scent."


Stiles turned on the flashlight on his phone and used it to search below the counters. He spotted some droplets of dried of blood and staple on the tiled floor he was crouching on. He pointed his flashlight at it to confirm what he was seeing.

"He was here, performing very minor surgery on himself. Lydia was right," Stiles said.

"I don't feel good about this."

"Probably because he was here to kill somebody."

"But who was he trying to kill?"

"That's what we gotta figure out." He got up from his crouching position on the floor and walked out of the closet. "We spread out, start looking for... anything."

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