Episode 9 Chapter 63

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Cassie waited anxiously out on the porch of Lydia's house. She turned around when she heard the door open and smiled nervously.


"Hi, uh, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for ignoring you. I-I want to help you with whatever you're doing because you're my best friend and whatever you're doing, I want to help, so you won't be doing it alone. And I know I already said this, but I'm really, really sorry for ignoring you the way I did the past few days-"

Her rambling was cut off when Lydia pulled her into a hug. Cassie was a little taken back at first but quickly accepted the hug. She wrapped her arms around the shorter girl's body and held her tightly as Lydia did the same.

"I'm really glad we're talking again," Lydia breathed out, leaning her head on Cassie's shoulder,

After a few more long seconds of just staying like that, Cassie finally pulled away.

"Can you catch me up on what's happening?"

The banshee nodded eagerly before grabbing the witch's hand and pulling her inside her house.


"It's not just that she could still be alive," Cassie said as her, Lydia, and Noah walked into the Sheriff's office.

"It's that she would've had to fake her death," Lydia finished.

"Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?" Noah asked in disbelief.


"Maybe," the strawberry-blonde corrected.

"I'm guessing you got a story to back this up," Noah replied.

"She might be helping the Benefactor," Lydia responded.

"Or she is the Benefactor."

Noah sighed. "That sounds like a story worth hearing."

He then shut the office door to prevent anyone from listening in. He turned back to the girls, showing that he was ready to listen.

"Wait, maybe Parrish should know about this too," Lydia said.

"Yeah. He knows about the hit list, so maybe he could help or something."

Noah nodded, agreeing with the girls. He opened the door again and poke his head out. "Anyone seen Parrish? Haigh?"

The deputy he called looked up from his computer screen and shook his head. "Haven't seen him."

He reentered his office, shaking his head to indicate Parrish wasn't around.

Cassie sighed. "I guess we should just start explaining then."

Before Lydia could begin to speak, a loud bang followed by some gunshots came from the room outside. When the gunshots went off, Lydia let out a small shriek out of fear. Cassie quickly grabbed her and pulled her with her to hide behind the desk.

She shut her eyes, flinching after every gunshot was made. She then opened her eyes when she heard a grunt come from Noah. Cassie told Lydia to stay behind the desk, so she could go check it out. She unhid herself from behind the desk and widened her eyes when she saw what had happened. Noah was shot. She quickly went over to where Noah was and immediately covered up the bullet wound as she put pressure on it.

They both watched the scene in front of them as Cassie tried to treat the bullet wound as much as she could do. Parrish stood in front of Haigh, covered in what looked like black ash and charcoal. Parrish punched the other deputy repeatedly until he eventually passed out.

Sacrifices; Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now